From 1933 to 1940, during the New Deal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and during the Great Depression, 9,000 American banks failed!!! Horrible! In that same period, Canada experienced the same depression yet zero banks failed. NOT ONE. Wonder why??? Because Canada didn't have FDR and the spend, spend, spend Democratic Party. In America, it was World War II that ended our depression, not FDR. He prolonged it.
THE OBAMA DOCTRINE: "Find a Villian, Play the Hero, Pass the Buck."
And smile.
** You know, the major fault of this administration is its utter incompetence! From the top down, none of these people have ever done anything, never created anything, never run anything. They are revolutionaries, Marxists, misguided teachers and talkers but not do-ers. And when they try to do something - they screw it up! They are not even Democrats, they are anti-Americans that have hijacked the Democratic Party! Remember when Obama said he didn't like the National Anthem because it was too violent ("the bombs bursting in air"). I don't think he has THE SLIGHTEST idea where that song was written or what it was even written about!
That's why I say: "THROW THE BUMS OUT!"
Now For The Cure for Cancer
I wish to ask you – the reader – a question that I suspect you have heard before. But, I am going to ask it anyway just to get started. Please read this entire letter, this is the hottest thing in Cancer treatment in America today.
Over a billion dollars is spent each year on cancer. This includes cancer research, cancer treatments and cancer drugs. Clinics, research facilities and hospitals run on money donated to find a cure of cancer. What if they found out that a new process could cure many types of cancer without expensive treatments, without expense drugs, and with no side effects? Would these groups greet the news with elation or dismay?
Let’s paint a scenario: You are the President and CEO of a billion-dollar Pharmaceutical company that markets cancer-fighting drugs. These drugs are very expensive and you sell many hundreds of millions of dollars worth each and every year. Your company employs 2,300 people who work in sales, research, administration and accounting. In other words, you are a highly successful billion-dollar corporation that is doing quite well.
One day an employee of the research department rushes into your office. He is obviously very exited. When he catches his breath, he let’s you in on his news. “Chief, we have just found a cure for cancer!”
“You have,” you ask him guardedly.
“Yes, sir, tomatoes!”
“Tomatoes? Tomatoes cure cancer? Regular home grown variety ordinary tomatoes?”
“Yes sir, regular tomatoes. Taken in a certain way, they cure cancer with no side effects at all! And Chief, you can grow you own in your yard so you can cure yourself and it won’t cost you anything! Isn’t that great!!!”
How do you respond? Now I am sure the thought of curing cancer is something you have often paid lip service to, but now that you as the CEO of this giant pharmaceutical are faced with a cure, how do you feel? What do you say?
As you stare at your employee you begin to feel ill. You can see your job, your company, the jobs of all 2,300 employees, all the shareholders money and many others affiliated with the work you do all being ruined overnight. You are going to lose hundreds of millions of dollars not this year, but this year, next year, the year after that, and every year forever. You are about to lose billions of dollars and your job.
How do you respond?
We all would love to say we stand up and shout, “Praise the Lord!” because we are all good people and curing cancer is a wonderful thing – something we had dedicated our life to or at least seemed to. But if you think that, you are more than a bit naive.
I am not going to carry this any further and I am not going to say the CEO would bury the cure because I don’t know what would happen. But what I do know is nobody making a fortune off a disease is truly dedicated to curing that disease. Treating it yes, curing it, no.
Do you know how new drugs are brought to market? A pharmaceutical company with a research lab discovers this drug they think might treat a certain disease. They present their facts to the FDA and ask for approval for a Clinical Trial. Sometimes the National Institute of Health will give a grant to a company to run a trial but generally, the companies will pay for the trials themselves if the FDA gives them the okay to go ahead.
So a company begins its trial. First, they run a Phase 1 with a few people. If that is successful then they run a Phase II with more people. If that is successful then they run a Phase III with even more people. If that is successful they petition the FDA for approval to market their drug. They will have spent tens of millions of dollars on this trial but if the drug gets approval, they can sell it and recoup their money and make a lot more. It’s a big stakes gamble but that’s what they do. That's why they put up the money for the trial.
The FDA is empowered to make the final decision but everyone is aware that the Drug Company has a huge financial investment in that drug and - well we'll let it go there.
Now back to the tomato cure. In order to be sure the tomato cure works and has no bad side effects, we have to run just such a Clinical Trial. And to run that trial, someone has to pay the millions of dollars that are needed.
Do you think any pharmaceutical company that is basically going to be put out of business if this trial is successful is going to offer to pick up the tab? I don’t think so. Okay then, where is the money to come from?
Well, one way is for the Federal Government to - through the National Institute of Health - pick up the cost of the tomato trials. If they won't, the trials may simply be put on the back burner and things will go back to normal.
Now just to explain: we are dealing here with a maybe – maybe the tomatoes will work and maybe there will be great success and maybe there will be NO side affects. But we won’t know that until we finish these very expensive tests. And convincing the government that it should put all that money into tests on tomatoes may be a hard sell since if the tomatoes don’t work, a lot of people are going to point fingers in their direction and snicker.
So maybe the tomato tests will get run and maybe they won’t. Or maybe they cut the money way down and try just a little test and if that works, try a little bigger test and so on and so on. And maybe they will and maybe they won’t.
But why the uncertainty?
Because no one is going to make any money from this discovery so no one is going to invest any of his money in it. Certainly, cancer may be cured but while that may be a great thing for we-the-people, it isn’t so great for these particular companies.
They could end up out of business and a lot of their lives ruined. You can’t expect them to voluntarily contribute to their own demise.
Now why am I telling you this? Well, because someone like this is going on right now outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where a new cancer treatment technique that proponents think will cure many cancers with no side effects and no expensive treatments or drugs, needs money to proceed to Human Trials. A lot of money. Where are they to get it?
We need $50 from each of you who has been touched by cancer. Google
THE KANZIUS CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION for the address and while you are there read the good – no - the GREAT news! Then send your check to them right now!!! Not all cancers are going to be cured with this new process but a whole lot of them are and that’s sensational news! So fork up. Give up that dinner out and use the $50.00 bucks for something you can truly be proud of - CURING CANCER!
The Kanzius treatment is not some third world miracle drug, or something off the back shelf. This is not some goofy idea promulgated by a disbarred doctor. No, this is a process invented by a man who had cancer and died from his cancer a few months ago, before his machine could be used on him. This is an idea that has gotten a lot of publicity and a lot of attention and may well be the best idea in cancer treatment in the past 50 years. But it has a couple of problems. It is NOT expensive, it uses NO high-priced drugs, and there are NO side effects. So there's no money to be made from it, just cures.
The tests of this treatment to date have been 100% successful and they have been conducted in some of our finest cancer research facilities. But it is time to move forward through the next stage, i.e. human tests. This needs about 12 million dollars over the next two years. Where is that money going to come from? Who will benefit from this cure? I'll tell you. It's got to come from WE the people who have been touched by cancer or who are afraid one day we WILL be touched by cancer. WE are the ones to put up the money to drive these tests forward. It's us or nobody. The research foundation has been getting some money but now they need 200,000 of us to donate $50 bucks each. Do it. And then tell your friends to do it. we need to raise the 12 million to get this done!
This has been called the best new idea in cancer treatment in 50 years. Okay then I say we find 200,000 people who will contribute $50 each to the foundation that is funding hospitals that are conducting the tests on The Kanzius Machine. (The Kanzius machine is named after its inventor John Kanzius, recently deceased from cancer. Sadly John’s own machine could not be used on him since it is illegal to use devices such as this one before they receive FDA approval so the doctors couldn’t do it.)
At this time, I want you to cut and paste the following link and go read about The Kanzius Foundation. Read about this marvelous potential cure for many types of cancers not ten years or twenty years from now but as soon as the trials are finished and the results approved which could be within five years. Here’s the link: read the rest of this article and then go to the link and read all about the Foundation. It was featured twice on 60 Minutes and created quite a stir.
Okay so now you know. Checks can be made to The Kanzius Foundation in Pittsburgh, Pa. Check the link.
Thank you and please, pass this on. It’s really up to us this time.