See that cartoon? See those light bulbs? Know what was special about them? They were made in America with American workers - lots of jobs. So they told us they were a danger to the environment and they introduced a 'safer' bulb. These bulbs are made in China with Chinese workers. So we stopped making our bulbs and started buying those from China. We lost all those jobs because we were suckers. Our bulbs weren't dangerous (ask the German government). It was about the redistribution of wealth from Americans (regular Americans) to less properous nations around the world. Just like Cap & Trade (the warming scam) or like the newest scam - cooking stoves. Same deal. Take money from Americans - REGULAR AMERICANS BECAUSE COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE, YOU ARE RICH - and send it to third world nations. Which is why we can't drill for oil but sent 2 billion dollars to Mexico to drill and 2 billion to Brazil to drill. That way, we don't have enough oil and they have it, so we have to buy it from them at their prices. Wealth redistribution from you to them! That's what's going on, friends, and you are Homer Simpson, easy to manipulate. For you own sake, you'd better get wise to what's going on. Now for our jobs crisis:
Here are some ideas to get America back on track. The first three are brand new ideas of mine. I haven't heard them anywhere else but take a look and think about it. I say they are good ideas.
01. Unemployment compensation. Give workers up to six months of compensation after which they have 90 days to find a job. If the new job pays less than the unemployment compensation, the individual will receive monthly checks covering the difference for a period of 12 more months. This will greatly reduce the amount of compensation paid by the government while continuing to help people get back on their feet.
02. Sell our bridges and major roadways to corporations with imposed limits on tariffs what may be charged as fees by the new private owners. This could raise a huge amount of money to be paid against the debt. Maybe we could even retain a 10-15% interest in the revenues to be applied directly to the debt.
03. Change the tax code to represent corporate taxes based on ROE - Return on Employee rather than profits. It would work like this:
Index all tax rates to the number of American employees a company has here in the USA. (That does not mean in N. America.) This I call the ROE tax code - the Return on Employee Tax Code - the greater the number of Americans employed in the US by this company, the lower the tax rate will be.
a. Company with 10 employees makes $5 million in profits. ROE = $500K.
b. Company with 100 employees makes $10 million in profits: ROE = $100K.
c. Company with 1000 employees makes $50 million: ROE = $50K
d. Company with 10,000 employees makes $100 million: ROE = $10,000
Company #01 will have the highest tax rate.
Company #02 will have the next highest tax rate.
Company #03 will have the third highest tax rate.
Company #04 with the greatest number of American employees, will have the lowest tax rate. This idea will help American companies to want to add more Americans to their work force here in the USA.
04. Increase the SS retirement age to 68 years for people born after 1955. This is necessary because people are living longer and working longer.
05. Means test social security. SS was meant as a FLOOR for those who suffer among us but not as a savings account for everyone.
06. Means test Medicare, but prudently.
07. Work to eliminate or seriously reduce the size of government to wit: the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture and Homeland Security. That’s for openers. They are all wasteful boondoggles and serve no useful purpose other than to serve bureaucracy.
08. There is nothing worse than excessive federal employee entitlements that include exorbitant pensions. Federal Pensions and health insurance plans should be examined by an independent 5-man civilian team and reduced where warranted. Unions should never again receive taxpayer bailouts for any reason. Union members in the Federal Government are paid twice what private sector employees are paid for the same job and their work is not as productive. If anything, they should face pay reductions and entitlement reductions. Federal employees are paid by the taxpayer – they make no money themselves - and for that reason, they must be paid in accordance with economic conditions just as are employees in the private sector. We must eliminate union influence over our tax dollars.
09. Create a pro-business attitude in government. Get the federal government out of the business of business. The only jobs that last are those created by the private sector. Government's role is regulating not supervising or managing anything. Hell, everything they touch goes to hell in a hurry.
10. Suspend FICA for 60 days to jump-start the economy.
11. Rewrite the health care bill. I would encourage the creation of non-profit medical WALK-IN CLINICS in less advantaged neighborhoods with appropriate tax credits for those who staff them. As to pre-existing conditions, set up a pool among the insurers and make pre-existing conditions coverable by this hi-risk pool with certain government offsets to help out. I would also place a $700,000.00 cap on Medical Malpractice suits and introduce a “loser pays costs” rule. Also I would try to cap the amount a law firm can take from a Class Action lawsuits. Finally, I would allow health care to be sold across state lines but with FULL AND CLEAR DISCLOSURES AS TO BENEFITS, COSTS, and LIMITS.
12. There will be NO card check bill.
13. There will be NO cap and trade bill. (There is no man-made warming.)
14. Continue to offer subsidies for alternative fuel research but until realistic alternative fuels are available and cost justified, we will drill for oil where we find it just as every other country in the world does. We need to maintain our own supply of energy so we don’t have to continually buy it from others.
15. Pass an immigration reform bill. I have one. It’s too long to review here but it’s fair, it’s workable, and it will resolve this problem once and for all. Here are two of the most important elements of my bill. First, secure the borders and Second, once illegal immigrants have met the rules and have attained citizenship, as punishment for coming here illegally (with our help), they will not be eligible to vote for an additional four years. This process from beginning to end should take about 10 years and the delay in voting rights should remove politics from the process.
16. Electric cars are being touted as a solution to our energy problems. Not so.
Electric vehicles have their own set of problems. These include pollution in the manufacture and disposal of hazardous electric batteries. The more you sell the bigger is the problem. Next is the power drag that will take place around populated areas when everyone comes home from work and plugs in their electric battery for a recharge. It may be so great that it will require building more coal-fired electric plants to supply that need and someone will have to bear that cost. Electric cars also have limited range and can run down at any time. That will also get in the way of national sales. Add to the range problem, the fact that the batteries cost about $7,500.00 each and have to be replaced every four to five years and you can see how that will turn off a lot of buyers. Lastly, companies selling such cars will have to provide service for them across the country. With so big a territory and so small the distribution of vehicles, I see another cost that is going to have to be met by someone. Finally, these cars cost a lot.
17. Fight graft and pollution and influence peddling in government. Set up a special
unit in Justice to uncover this wrongdoing in government wherever it is found.
18. Introduce term limits for all elected representatives. Two terms for Senators (12
years) and four for house members (8 years). This is a must to reduce the hold that special interest groups have on our politicians.
19. Cap the federal budget for the next three years excepting for national emergencies and defense.
20. And then there’s real estate. My feeling is that the people occupying homes they can’t pay for and should never have been given, must leave. There can be a buy out where each “owner” is given a check for three months rent in accordance with local rentals where the owner currently lives. But he must then be given 30 days notice to vacate the property. That property will then be auctioned off. We must get real estate back on a level keel. And mortgages must be issued only to qualified applicants.
21. All bills offered for a vote must be CLOSED TO CHANGES 48 hours before voting to give members a chance to review the bill. NO EARMARKS will be added to any stand alone bill. Earmarks must be offered in bills titled: 'SPECIAL SITUATIONS' where each request can be analyzed on its merits. It is time to introduce INTEGRITY and HONESTY into federal politics and to do away with shoddy, dishonest, pandering for votes and campaign contributions through "earmarks". Forget about it!
22. Go back to the tax structure of the 70’s in which there was a “confiscatory tax” on income over a given threshold i.e. 25 million a year.
23. Either extend the Bush tax cuts (although I don’t think they have helped much in the current recession) or at least redefine “wealthy” as earners of income OVER not $250,000.00 but $750,000.00 a year. You can begin taxation at that level.
Sad to say, most politicians have only their own interests at heart. That's why they do what they do, so they don't lose the contributors who make their re-election possible. Even the President doesn't offend his support groups or they won't give him the money for he or his party to get re-elected. So in the end, it's all about them. Therefore we need those term limits. That will change the equation.
So that’s my startup plan. If you don’t like it, what’s yours?
If you are a Republican candidate, and you don't like my plan, tell me yours. Tell me how you are going to turn our country around if you are elected. Please include specifics. If that doesn't get you elected too bad. Do it anyway.
America is “America, the beautiful”. Let’s save what’s good and make it better for everyone. But for those who hate us and want to change us to something we are not, I suggest they move elsewhere.
Joey’s Newspage,
Where people come to exercise their minds.