Recognize these guys? What do they have in common? They are all leaders who truly feel they know best how you should lead your life. In fact, they INSIST ON IT. Top guy: Julis Caesar, Next guy, Attila the Hun. Next guy. Barack Obama with Hugo Chavez.
They are ALL cut from the same cloth. They may use different tactics to get what they want, but they are all "Elitists" who think THEY know better than you, how you should lead your life. I could have added 50 or so more pictures - from Alexander the Great to the Caesars to Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao - because they have always been with us.
Before I begin, do you know where the word CAPITALISM came from or what it actually means? CAPITALISM came from the word CALVINISM which is a religion that teaches all about rewards and punishment. You do good things, you earn rewards. You do bad things, you do NOT get rewards. Doing good things is a good thing, and doing bad things is a bad thing. In life, in religion, and in business.
Work hard, work smart, work often and you will BE FREE to enjoy the fruits of your labor. YOU get to determine what happens to YOU and your family.
That's Capitalism! That's a free market economy! Just so you know.
"The hardest thing a man can do is to search his own heart and find they HE has erred". Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.
From each of us, to each of us - MEA CULPA - for we have all erred throughout humanity's existence. The results of our behavior have been famines, wars, and revolutions. Our transgressions against one another are endless and varied and they include one people stalking into the lands of another people and taking what they want with the only justification being:
that they could.
What does that mean? Well, for example it means that a group of people (White European nations such as the Dutch) way back in the 15th and 16th Centuries AD 'discovered' lands to the East - lands like Java, and Jakarta and the Spice Islands - while searching for new territories and wealth, who then went into those remote lands and systematically removed items of value such as goods and spices, and brought that wealth back to their homelands and those who sponsored the trips. Why did they do it? They did it because "
they could".
The former "owners" of that wealth were too weak to keep what they had if they even KNEW the value of what they had - which they often did not.
In North America and South America, the same thing happened at about the same time. This time, the visitors were the English and the Spanish.
Spanish explorers "found" the New World, and finding it, planted their flags in the soil and claimed this "new" land for the King and Queen of Spain, and then returned home with shiploads of gold, and precious minerals.
And why did the Spanish do this? Why indeed? They did it because (1)they did not value the rights of the natives they found there, (2) they wanted to spread Christianity to the heathen natives they found there and (3) most assuredly,
because they could.
The problem was of course that these lands were not LOST so they couldn't have been FOUND. they were not EMPTY so they couldn't have been DISCOVERED. They were "new" but only to the newcomers; people were already there when the explorers arrived, people that had been living and working those lands for a thousand years or more. Yet, when the Spanish or the English or the Dutch "discovered" these lands, they either used them for production of wealth or they planted their flags and claimed them for their homelands.
Did they ask anyone? Of course not. Did they have a "right" to do what they did? In most cases, probably not. Nevertheless, they took control of those lands and why? It's simple. They did it
because they could. That's why. That has always been why.
So this is the natural rule: when a superior technology come into contact with an inferior technology, the superior technology will TAKE what it wants. And why?
Because they can, that's why.And that's the secret we need to understand when we study world history. PROGRESS occurs when a SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY take over from an INFERIOR TECHNOLOGY and introduces the benefits of its newer technology. If the superior technology backed off and said okay you can keep what you have, we're sorry we came, goodbye - there would be no progress in the world. We'd be today where we were yesterday and we would have been yesterday, where we were a millennium before that. There would have been no advancement ever, no progress ever, no change ever. It isn't happening - not then, not now, not ever.
In the 15th century A.D., Spain a modern, powerful White civilization, sent expeditionary forces into Central America and Mexico where they encountered the native Aztecs and Mayan indians.
In the 16-17th centuries A.D., two more great Western European civilizations moved across the world to explore remote areas. The powerful Dutch found South Africa and moved into a land populated solely by native Bushman and Hottentots. The English found North America and moved into a land populated solely by native American Indians.
Now consider for a moment the disparity between the people of the these three White civilizations and the non-white peoples of Africa, Central America, North America and Mexico. The difference beween them remains astounding especially considering that the non-Whites were probably of more ancient civlizations than the Whites. Yet the technologies of these disparit peoples including their civlizations education, transportation, mechanization, modernity, mass production of food stuffs, weaponry et al - were light years apart.
The White civilizations were 500 to 1,000 years more advanced and more developed than the old world natives, both East and West. The end, therefore, was totally predictable as it would be if our technology found a part of our world today that was 1,000 years behind us in development and we decided to colonize that newly discovered land. Who would outlast whom? Who would end up in control? Who would
So the White colonists that were spreading around the world at that time, came to North America with their superior technologies and were able to take what they wanted from the resident natives who were destined to lose the conflict because they were years behind in technology. To put it simply, they were in no position to win.
But here's the rub: it was very likely that if you went back further into the past, you would reach a time when these same indigenous natives had done to some inferior group the same type things that were now being done to them. For thus the cycle turns.
So in North America, a superior technology DID overrun an inferior technology and take over the land and the land DID prosper until today it is a great, technologically advanced nation.
That's called PROGRESS and it has happened over and over again since the world ever since the world began. I guess you'd have to say it's a good thing resulting from maybe a bad thing; the good far outweighing the bad.
It's a simple but true fact of human development: every single time a stronger, smarter, more advanced society with an advanced technology comes across a land populated by a people with a less advanced civilization, the superior technology takes control. In metaphorical terms, they plant their banners, proclaim the new land as "found", and declare it to be their's.
So the incoming group from England came to the land we now called America and took it from its inhabitants, the American Indians. And why? (1) Because they wished to exploit its resources and (2)
because they could. Look. If a colony of space aliens came here and found that we were inferior to them, that their "society" with it's "advanced technology" was superior to ours, what do you think would happen to us? Well, just a few weeks ago (Aug. 2010), Stephen Hawking, renown astro-physicist and cosmologist commented on this possibility. He said what I am saying: in time, they would replace us. We would either assimulate into their society (if possible) or what is far more likely, be eliminated.
Now why am I writing all this? I'll tell you why. Because there is a great misunderstanding about this by the so-called intellectual dummies that are part of the Obama regime today and who want to overturn our way of life and our government and our social system for some crime they say we "whites" committed in the past - the plunder of "wealth" from what is now called the Third World. We must "atone" for that, they say, by redistributing our national wealth: sending our wealth back to "them". (Through these guys, I would imagine.)
That's their mantra. They are obviously disconnected from reality but that's what they believe and they are committed to it. So, let's investigate their position.
Do these people know what they are talking about? No, they do not. These are people who (1) went to our schools, (2) are the product of our free economy, (3)received grants from OUR government(4) made possible by our Capitalist free-market system and (5) who never had a real job outside of Academia but who now insist they know better than we do about most everything, even to how we must live our lives.
No, let me re-state that. They think they have the right to TELL us how to live our lives. To the extent that if we resist, we will be eliminated. Yes - I said it because THEY said it. Up to 20 million of us might 'have to go' for the new order to set in.
Goodbye freedom. Goodby Capitalism. Hello collectivism. Hello Socialism. And those who don't go along - are killed. It's happened before. Take Russia. Take Communist China and Chairman Mao. Take Juan Peron and Argentina. Take any of them. What happens. They come in, take what others have worked all their lives for, make people so angry they resist, and then shoot the 'trouble makers'
Are there a lot of them? Hell, yes. Forty million in Russia, another 60 million in China all had to be killed. And Juan Peron has the same problem. He had resisters. But he knew how to handle them - mostly kids. He used to go on college campuses, pick up those dissident students, put them into an airplane and drop them into the Pacific Ocean for the sharks. KIDS! Over 10,000 of them! And why? Because they dared to think they should control their own lives and said so! For that, they had to die.
Now, if anyone reading this thinks this is a game or an over-statement of fact, it is not. It is real. It happened and not once. Lots of times. If you wait too long to fight people like these, you may never have that chance. By that time, your freedoms may all have been taken from you - including your freedom to resist - because THAT is their intention.
So what do I say about them? I say they are not only nuts and out of touch with reality, but they are also ignorant of history, unless they are just trying to bend history to their own use. Let's take a look at this group of nuts now a big part of the White House.
To begin with, what they hell do these elitists know about anything? Who are they? They live in a soft, ivy-towered, tenured world of kids and teachers on University campuses paid for by taxpayer dollars, they are people who can talk the talk a hell of a lot better than they can walk the walk PLUS they have a guaranteed lifetime job. Paid for by US. These are people that never held a real job! They theorize, they teach, but they never DO.
Depite the fact that they have never proven they can do anything outside of Academia, they still think they know a lot about everything. For example, these Obama appointees have a fundamental philosophy. They believe in "wealth redistribution". What's that? Well, that's taking America's wealth and finding ways (Cap & Trade, banned oil drilling etc.) to force us to send lots of our money to third world nations.
Why? I told you why: they believe that the White race stole the wealth of these non-White nations, plundering them in the 15th and 16th centuries and must now pay it back. Most of those who advocate this position of American wealth-redistribution (both here and in the UN) are - SURPRISE - non-Whites aided and abetted by a few White dysfunctional American revolutionaries who simply hate America. These walking disasters wouldn't be a big problem except for one thing - they have a powerful friend in the White House.
Get it yet? These elitists have concentrated their lives on the expansion of Western Civilization around the world in the 15th and 16th centuries. So, they say now that WE (Whites I presume) have to pay for that incursion. I am not sure how much they think we need to return or to exactly whom we return it, but I think it's a considerable amount to the governments of today's so-called third world nations. And you know how honest those government are. Their people would CERTAINLY benfit from such a largess. Look at how well the people of the Middle East have done with distribution of oil revenues. Play it again, Sam.
Anyway, that's the story. They call their plan "Cap and Trade". But I call it a "scam".
There are many ways the can use to accomplish this wealth redistribution. For one, stop drilling for oil in America so we have to buy foreign oil, sending our money "over there". Sure find excuses that sound good, just get it done. That's why 600 billion dollars of our money goes overseas while Obama and his friends pretend-talk about "finding alternative sources of fuel". That's funny. All the time they not only buy foreign oil, but Obama sends billions of our tax dollars to Brazil and Mexico for THEM to drill for oil to sell to us. Where do they drill. Why Mexico drills in the Gulf of Mexico. Now isn't that funny?
These liberal neo-socialists today have become important only because Barack Obama has given them a platform from which to work. THEY are his administration and he has given them power.
Amazingly, these people are not hiding their intentions, they are right out front about it and you can read exactly what they say they want from us and what they intend to do to "fundamentally change America" in their speeches and books.
So, how does this touch your life today? Wny should you be concerned?
Well, the leftist, Marxist, Socialist, liberal Democrats in Washington today that believe in wealth redistribution - and that includes Barack Obama - want WHITE money to go to Non-Whites who they say were victims of White economic and social injustice in those days now long gone.
And how do they intend for this transfer of wealth to happen. Well first they had to scare us so the invented (1) global cooling in 1975 (2) global warming in 1992 and (3) man made climate change in 2008. They are all nonsense of course but they needed some sort of threat to frighten you so you would accept the need for something like "Cap and Trade". That's the device these anti-Americans both in America and in the United Nations intend to use to transfer our wealth to the Third World.
Do you know what the Cap and Trade scam is all about. Well you should and if you don't, go and find out because it could ruin your life and your children's lives. (You can find an article on this site about it.)
Anyway, that's the tool they want to use against us. And if we try to resist them, this is what they say:
"If we cannot win by force of persuasion, we will win by the persuasion of force!" Wow. And that's an exact quote. Read it again. If they can't steal our wealth without violence, then they will use violence.
The guy that said this also has said that he agrees with Mao Tse Dung that
"power comes from the barrel of a rifle". Great, isn't it? The first quote talks about using force and the second one about power "coming from the barrel of a rifle".
And he meant it. He is saying if they
can win by talking us into surrendering all that we have, they will do it that way. But if they
can't, if WE resist, then they will use violence and just TAKE IT FROM US with guns!
IF they can!
These are not people that care about people. That's nonsense. And they are not bright people no matter their academic degrees. They are in fact, as dumb as dirt. Remember this, when you get a college degree you may be "educated" but that absolutely does not mean you are "smart". They are two different things!
These people are nothing but miserable revolutionary ideologues and that's all they are. And they think we are weak and they can rob us blind. And in the brave new world, I somehow think they see themselves as the new "leaders". See, it's the same old power grab, just with a new identity.
Well it might have worked a year or so ago but they missed the boat. We have awaken! At least some of us have. That's why I am writing this article: to awaken the rest of you to the danger. WHITE America which is to say America itself, is under attack. Wake up and smell the roses before there are no roses left to smell.
(When I say 'White America' I do not mean to exclude Black Americans or other Americans that love our country. They are our brothers. The use of the word "White" is rather a designation of those who love this country and who love freedom. It's a tent and a big one. ALL true Americans are welcome.)
Sadly, Mr. Obama and his friends, associates, and appointees have made themselves un-welcome. They are not pro-America. Too bad so many young Americans can't see through this snake-oil-salesman's spiel but they can't. They believe his words without regard to his actions. Well we adults are not as easy to fool.
The battle today in Washington is really ALL ABOUT RACE. No matter what you are told it's all about White people giving back their ill-gotten gains to the people from whom they were taken - the world's non-Whites. The people in Washington and in the UN who are pushing this are generally self-serving i.e. they are people of color. So that makes this confrontation racial in context.
So now you know. I have finally made this article work. Read it again and maybe again after that. Understand the basic compelling truth of what is going on in America right now. It is all about RACE and all about envy, avarice, greed and violence. Should we help those less fortunate than ourselves? Sure. And haven't we always done so? When there is a need, who is there before America? No one.
Did you know this:
In 2007, the most popular American in Africa was GEORGE W. BUSH.
Yep, it's true.
Or this: One president appointed two Blacks to the highest position any Black had every held in our government and one of them was the first Black WOMAN ever to hold such a position. Who was that? GEORGE W. BUSH. The position: Secretary of State.
And finally this: Under which President did Africa receive the MOST financial aid? The answer is: GEORGE W. BUSH.
Blacks should maybe stop swallowing the Kool-Aid spoon-fed to them by the Democratic party. They should remember a "hand up" is better than a "handout".
Progress comes from one group advancing more than any other group and taking over from those lesser groups (or technologies or societies). That's just life. The American people are not a lesser group and these idiots are not a more advanced group. All they are, are guys willing to get guns and start a revolution if they can. They are willing to fight to get what they want because they all have a mental or emotional problem. Too bad for them; we now are awake and willing to fight them to keep what we have for our children.
Therefore, they are destined to lose.
Now a lesson on slavery.
You know, we all have heard a lot about slavery in the British Colonies. Over and over slavery is thrown in our faces. And maybe it should. But we need to know the truth the people doing the talking don't know or don't want to talk about. We'll talk about it. Let's take a look.
Slavery has existed since time began. It has been practiced by every race on the face of this planet at some time or other. Still, because the slavery that came to America is most important to us, we will talk about that.
The buying and selling of Africans as slaves began in the 15th century. But please remember this, no White man landed on the African coast, then went inland, captured sleeping Africans and secreted them across the continent to waiting boats to ship them to the Americas as slaves. That never happened. More on that in a minute.
About 9 million slaves crossed the Middle Passage between the 16th and 19th centuries. Of these, just 7% (about 630,000) came to North America - to the British colonies. The rest - the vast majority - went to South America (that's where Hispanics came from) and the Islands. You never hear much about the treatment of slaves down there (the 93%) but you hear a lot about the horrible way they were treated up here (the 7%).
Yet, lots of what we hear is not really true. Certainly slavery is and was an abomination. There is no argument about that. It is a sin against man and against God. No matter who practices it.
But in the Colonies, slaves were property. They had considerable dollar value. They were not universally mistreated because of that very fact - they were carried on plantation books as an ASSET! Do you know what that means? That means that slaves were worth money and if they were well kept, strong and healthy, they were worth top dollar. And if they were young and female, they could have babies which would be more assets, they were treated even better.
Sure there were morons who were mean and cruel but don't believe the movies. Slaves were money in the bank to their owners. For that reason they were valuable and they were therefor protected and by 1807, the last year you could import a slave to North America, their total had multiplied many times over.
In fact, by 1862, there were over 4 million Black people in America all from those 630,000 original slaves. Kind of like the Jews in Egyptian slavery. When they were released, there were tons more of them than when they were captured which is the best evidence of how they were treated.
What's my point? My point is truth is often hidden from view. In the case of slavery, that is absolutely true. For example, have you ever heard anyone talking about how the slaves got to the Americas?
They were Black men and women living in the deepest parts of Africa. How did they end up on Portuguese slave-trader ships? How did they get there? Who were they? Who delivered them to those ship captains in rope chains? Who sold them to the white Portugese slave-traders? It's a cinch the White traders didn't go inland and capture them, then march them all the way to the sea without any interference by African tribal leaders between them and the sea. Nope that's not how it happened.
The answer is seldom discussed but here it is: the slaves that came to North and South America on slave trader ships were sold TO THE SLAVE TRADERS by AFRICAN CHIEFS who went out and attacked small villages (here we go again), captured men and women and children in the battles, bound them in rope thongs, marched them across the African continent to the shore and then SOLD THEM FOR MONEY AND GOODS to the SLAVE TRADERS! Got it? That happens to be the seldom discussed truth. Why don't they talk about that Black participation in slavery? I'll tell you why. Because that reduces their argument, the argument they hope one day will bring them reparations! From whom? From us.
Hell, African leaders had slaves for millennia. It was nothing new. Look it up. African chiefs routinely went to war, won the war (against weaker societies or weaker technologies), took prisoners then converted them to slaves and put those slaves to work, often in various mines, and often for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!
THEY did that. People of COLOR did that to other people of color. They treated their slaves worse than any Englishman did and they did it for millennia while the English did it for about 160 years afer which they stopped it.
That's the true story about slavery but it's also the truth story about "progress" or "moving forward". The strong over the weak. The smart over the less smart. The technologically-superior over the technologically-inferior. Over and over.
What Whites did in the 15th and 16th centuries may have been repugnant but it was no more or less so than what others of all stripes had done to one another both before and after that time.
NOW you understand.
(By the way, in the 18th century, cotton was King in America. But Cotton couldn't be raised and marketed profitably if you had to pay for the labor to do it. It required too many hands and if you had to pay them, you couldn't make any money from Cotton. So they needed cheap labor and slaves were ideal. That's the real reason for slavery coming to the Colonies - to allow cotton farmers to make money. Cotton was the new world's #1 export product.
Still in the latter days of the 1700's, despite the econmic advantage, the American government decided slavery was bad and so they voted to ban all IMPORTATION of slaves after 1807. Slavery itself was not banned until 1862 but after 1807, it was illegal to bring slaves into this country. We were on our way to correcting a wrong.
Finally there is this: the cotten gin when it was invented greatly reduced the amount of manual labor needed to harvest the cotton. So with the growth of this technology, fewer and fewer hands were needed in the fields. That meant if you had too many slaves, you had to pay for their upkeep but you didn't have any use for them anymore. Think that over carefully and then answer one question: does that not sound like the REAL reason everybody turned against slavery? After all, the slaves were necessary at first to MAKE money. After the introduction of the cotton gin - mechanization - improved TECHNOLOGY - THEY BECAME A COST FACTOR RATHER THAN A PROFIT FACTOR. Suddenly slavery became unpopular.
Think about that one for a while.
So that is the history of exploration and territorial expansion around the world for lo these many millenia. There is no help for it. It's simply how people and lands evolve. Call it the survival of the fittest without which the weak would stay and soon crumble. Yet it is aggression and in many cases it leaves hehind a bitter feeling on the part of those that are vanquished. It's the price we pay for so-called progress. Life goes on.
If you look into the history of vanquished societies or inferior technologies, you will find in their history the same aggression, the same violence, the same treatment directed by them against those weaker than THEY were. Why? Because the weaker are always the victims of the stronger whether in politics or life itself. Again it's survival of the fittest without which there would be no expansion and no growth and no future.
That is what this Article is all about. These things were done certainly. And it is easy to sympathize with the weak and defenseless. Yet, if they were not done the entire world would be sitting where the weak and the defenseless were 3,000 years ago and you know that would never work. We wouldn't even be here if it could.
Progress hurts some and benefits others. We can only hope in the final accounting, more are helped than are hurt.
To those of you are anti-capitalist or anti-America or anti-White, forget it. No one group is all good and no one is all bad and treatment of small groups of weak people around the world has been as bad BY their own people as by outsiders. Slavery was common all over Africa and many parts of the Eastern world long before it ever showed up in America or South America. And when it showed up, it got here because Black tribal leaders in Africa sold Black Africans to White traders for cash and trade goods. No one is innocent.
We are all in bed together and as they say, politics (and government) make strange bed fellows. Better we all sit down and start over.
Let's begin with a few "Mea Culpa's".
This Article has become the most difficult Article I have ever tried to write despite the fact that its message is true and of supreme importance to all of us. It is a simple message but one we must understand and take to heart if we – the “good” people - are to persevere against the “bad” people with whom we are currently overrun in Washington.
To date, this article has been written and re-written four times. I think I finally got it right. At least, I hope so.
Thanks for reading it.