A Fool And His Freedoms Are Soon Parted
During her recent political campaign, Hillary Clinton said the government needed to control the Internet to "protect our children".
That's a laugh. That's not at all why she wanted to control the Internet. She
wanted to control the Internet because it's the one remaining bastion of independent, uncontrollable honest thought. It is not controlled as is the national media. Therefore, it’s dangerous to the people now in charge of America.
The following news bulletin will tell you what these people want and what they intend to do to get it. They want ONE VOICE and only one voice in America- theirs. They want the government to have control of every element of your life from cradle to grave.
The two biggest obstacles to them are (1) the Internet blogs and the very popular (with the people) (2) conservative radio talk show hosts. These would be fine in a free society that cherishes freedom of speech, but they are not fine in a fascist state. And that folks is where you have now taken us.
A lot of Americans - particularly minorities - aren't going to care about this but the rest of you will. Oh yes, you will care very much but only after it is too late for you do anything about it.
You have already lost a lot. Liberals now control most of your newspapers, most of your Universities, and most of the Television news. They also now control all three branches of government thanks to you. It took 50 years for them to accomplish all this, but this year they got it done. Goodbye America, we hardly knew you.
You are about to learn how priceless and rare America’s freedoms really were. It’s say that you don’t really value anything until after you lose it. But it’s true. Our forefathers would turn over in their graves to see what you have done to their great country and its hard won freedoms.
There are two remaining bastions of free speech in America in 2009. (1) Talk radio's very popular conservative hosts are one and (2) the free and very Independent Internet blogs which caught Dan Rather flat footed and told the world the truth about CBS - are the other. Both are about to be completely controlled or removed from the air
Just like Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and China - one truth fit’s all. Who needs freedom of speech – that only leads to controversy.
You probably missed this in the new "stimulus bill" which they slipped through late at night. Think of what this really means to you and to your children's future. You don't know what's i's like to not have freedom of speech, but you are about to learn.
The new "stimulus bill" establishes broadband networks as "critical, national infrastructure" subjecting the internet to oversight by the House Commerce & Energy Committee, chaired by the thoroughly awful, hideous Henry Waxman. Waxman calls "regulating free political speech on the internet" his "top priority".
So there go the free, independent Internet blogs. With it goes free independent political thought and intellectual honesty. That’s what they really want.
As to the talk shows, you already have heard about the "Fairness Doctrine" which is directed at conservative free speech via talk radio. They mean to also put that off the air leaving us with a one-voice national media that will quickly become a lackey for the government. Just as it is in other socialism countries. Their motto is your freedom of speech must be taken from you for "your own good". Now, where have you heard that before?
Well, you asked for it and now, you got it.
Fascism is coming. And once you let these thieves into your home, see how hard it will be to ever get them out again.
Your forefathers are turning over in their graves.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
18th Century Scottish historian Alexander Tytler (1714-1778)
You see, great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage