AL GORE is a liar and a fool. Barack OBAMA is a leftwing Marxist, one-world sypathizer. And the Nobel Prize Committee members are Socialist/Marxists! Peace Prize indeed!!!
The entire "GOING GREEN” fiasco is nothing but a huge wealth distribution SCAM! And the wealth they are after is OURS!
UPDATE1: October 11, 2009
October 12, 2009 - World Energy Crisis Averted!!!!
Tony Hayward, BP's chief executive, said proven natural gas reserves around the world have risen to 1.2 trillion barrels of oil equivalent, enough for 60 years' supply – and rising fast No need to buy foreign oil America, you have all the energry you need right here in your own country. But our Democratic liberal politicians have a scheme - they want to import oil because they want to send American money around the world to bankrupt us. Who is doing this? Barack Obama and his band of merry anti-American Marxists, anti-American revolutionaries! That's who! You voted for someone who is out to destroy you no matter how much he smiles. Wasn't it Judas that kissed Jesus? Was he smiling as he walked up to him? I bet he was.
Drudge: October 12 2009:
BBC: What happened to global warming?
Montana cold breaks records...
Record Cold temps in Idaho threaten potato crops...
Austria: Earliest snowfall in history set to break records...
Man has microphone cut off after asking about 'errors' in Gore film
As I told you three years ago, global warming is a SCAM!!!!!!
UPDATE2: Gore is wrong again! What a dunce.
Effect of Collapsed Ice Sheet Revised
Filed under: Science News
WASHINGTON (May 14) - The global sea level will only rise about 10 feet if the West Antarctic ice sheet collapses. While that may not sound so great to residents of coastal cities like New York or Los Angeles, it's only about half the previously predicted rise.
Previous studies had estimated that failure of the ice sheet, causing it to slide into the ocean, would raise global seas levels by 5-to-6 meters, or 16-to-19 feet OVER THE NEXT 100 YEARS! (About 2.2 inches a year.)
But now there is a new study and this study refutes the old study. The new study suggests the melting will be much less, about 10', and over a much longer period, about 500 years. (As if anyone can look that far into the future.) So 10' is 120" and that's over 500 years which averages to less than one quarter of an inch per year (1/4"). WOW! RUN FOR HIGH GROUND IMMEDIATELY!!!
Anyway, we're lucky if human beings are still ON this planet in 500 years - the way we are going, we won't be. (See Article "TOMORROW-Is This Our Future?" on this site.)
Temps Plunge to Record as Cold Snap Freezes North, East States...
Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm'...
Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal'...
Peru's mountain people 'face extinction because of cold conditions'...
Beijing -- coldest in 40 years...
World copes with Arctic weather...
Global cooling is far more dangerous and far more likely than global warming. Neither is man's doing.
Those people who have been getting rich off the warming scam should be taken outside and left there!
So ladies and gentlemen and Al Gore supporters, once again like the picture of that poor polar bear standing on his melting ice in December which turned out to be taken in JULY, the global warming scam is coming undone. It's time they took their hands out of your pocket! (Or out of their own!)
Remember the Gore picture of the ice sheet breaking off and falling into the sea? Did you think that was real ice? Nah. It was styrofoam ice taken from a motion picture set. It was just one more lying event staged by Al Gore and his money grubbing associates who should all be put in jail for what they have done to us.
The alarm raised by Gore and his environmentalist scam-artists for years - that has cost us so much money and so much misery - was all bullshit (you will pardon the expression)and those who promulgated it should be imprisoned immediately! Even today, this Cap and Trade nonsense they are preaching to fight another non-existing threat will drown us in debt! It's just another give-a-way!
God save America from Al Gore! God save America from Barack Obama!! And God save America from liberal Democrats!!!
I have an idea: let’s put all of them in jail for fraud!
I have written for two years now that we are facing not global warming but the possibility of an impending ice age if solar activity doesn't kick up between now and 2011. It is at a 125 year low and sunspot activity coupled with water vapor in the air and sonic particle bombardments are what controls weather - not man, not C02, not carbon or the burning of fossil fuels. That is all political hogwash. Sunspot activity is near zero as we reach the end of the current 11 year cycle - without sudden improvement, we are looking at a long period of global cooling and possible an ice age. And where Al Gore is a scam artist - I am not. You read the First Update now here's a Second one: Today, June 9th, 2009:
A YEAR WITHOUT SUMMER? "One of the reasons for this [reduction in lightening striks]could be colder-than-normal weather across the northern tier of the country that has suppressed the number of thunderstorms and has significantly reduced the number of tornadoes this year. The number of reported tornadoes so far this year is 685, just over half of the average annual amount, which is 1,297.
According to Long Range Expert Joe Bastardi, for areas from the northern Plains into the Northeast, 2009 will be a "year without a summer."
Cooling not warming is the real danger and the people have been suckered again!
My article resumes:
Have you ever wondered why you are being bombarded every day with TV messages that warn you of impending doom from man-made global warming? Ever wonder who pays to bring these message to you and why? They aren't public service messages like terrorist warnings. These are commercial messages. Somebody has to shell out big bucks to air them.
Ever wonder why you haven't seen any messages saying, "hell no, that ain't so?"
I bet you never gave it a thought. You simply watch the TV messages (commercials) and believe they must be true because you keep hearing them over and over. The earth is suffering from man-made climate change and if we don't spend huge amounts of our resources to "go green" right now, we are all doomed. That's the message and in one form or other it's on TV and in magazines every single day.
So again I asked you, since it takes millions of dollars to run these national television ads, who is paying for them, AND WHY???
We don't hear anyone denying that this is true so we just assume it must be.
But is it?
Surprise. No, it isn’t. It's a lot of hogwash but hogwash with a very definite goal in mind, to wit:
Sunday/March 22, 2009: Among other comments from the 700 scientists included in the report:
“I am appalled at the state of discord in the field of climate science . . . There is no observational evidence that the addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused any temperature perturbations in the atmosphere.”
— Award-winning atmospheric scientist Dr. George T. Wolff, a former member of the EPA’s Science Advisory Board who served on a committee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
I am about to explain to you why it is that you only see one side of that message and the reason is far simpler than you might think. The reason is no one wants to pay money to tell you this all a con job is because there’s no money in it for them. If they pay millions of dollars to explain to you that you don’t have to worry about C02 and man-made climate change, how do they get their money back? Are you going to pay them for that information? You should because it will save you a lot of tax dollars. But will you? Of course you won’t. So then, why would anyone put up the money to tell you? The answer is they wouldn’t. And for that same reason, they don’t. Spending money to advance the truth is not profitable which is why you don’t hear any commercial messages telling you this is all a con job.
The reverse is why you do hear all these messages telling you the world is in grave danger from burning fossil fuels like coal and oil – in order to scare you into going along with this huge government redistribution of America’s wealth program. That’s all this is about. Giving your money away.
And you are going to continue to hear it over and over because as I said, lots of people are willing to spend a few million on television and magazines ads in order to get their share of a few billion.
Think I am kidding. How about this from today, March 20, 2009: "UN seeks tax on oil to create $750 billion in 'Green New Deal'..."
OR this from March 27, 2009: U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan Would Likely Shift TRILLIONS to the New World Economy Friday, March 27, 2009 By George Russell
A United Nations document on "climate change" that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy likely involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body.
Those and other results are blandly discussed in a discretely worded United Nations "information note" on potential consequences of the measures that industrialized countries will likely have to take to implement the Copenhagen Accord, the successor to the Kyoto Treaty, after it is negotiated and signed by December 2009. The Obama administration has said it supports the treaty process if, in the words of a U.S. State Department spokesman, it can come up with an "effective framework" for dealing with global warming.
* * *
So, listen up. Don’t be a sucker. No matter what you see on television or read in the media, the purpose of it all is to separate you from your money one way or the other.
A few years (1975) they tried the same thing using global cooling with the same dire predictions. But cooling never caught on the way warming has. So they are going with warming. If warming doesn't work the will try something else. (UPDATE: They have. Now it's "Global Climate Change". Hey whatever works, you know?)
Save your yourself and your family from the horror of global warming by allowing your government to send a trillion American dollars around the world to fight this American-caused climate change. If you buy it, it will destroy you and it will destroy America. At least the America we have come to know and love. We will be Europe, a sorry socialist republic. Read that again. There will be NO America for your kids or your grandkids. They plan to bankrupt our country. How sad it that.
Of course they won’t say that because that would wake you up to what’s going on. So they will warn you of the dire consequences of not “going green”. It's all rubbish but you put these people in office so you are going to have to pay for your stupidity big time.
So let's recap and follow me closely because you need to understand what’s going on right under your nose.
If we become convinced that our country has to “go green” - that we have to replace oil and natural gas with alternative fuels like wind and solar and hydrogen fuel cells and electricity – then we have to spend BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of our dollars on the development of these energy sources because right now we sure as hell don’t have them. That will make some people very rich and others, you and me, very poor. We will see our taxes go up to pay for all this.
You saw the note above about the UN today. Last month it was just 185 BILLION now it’s suddenly almost four times that much. That’s because they sense they have you on the run and they are coming in for the financial kill. Obama just introduced his silly and totally industry-destructive 'carbon cap' for just that reason; to redistribute America’s wealth around the world, mainly to third world nations.
People dabbling in solar want taxpayers to fund what they are doing. Same with wind farms (T. Boone Pickens has wind farms and Nancy Pelosi has a big investment in them). Same with electric cars that have now been given a tax credit of $8,000.00 for every EV sold. All these alternative fuels have to be developed (if they can be developed) and that takes an awful lot of money – mainly from you.
And since all these various groups want your tax dollars - billions or trillions of them – they are willing to spend tremendous amounts of money to persuade you to go along. They all have a lot to gain. Hence the many commercials.
But what works best to separate the fool from his money? That's easy - fear. Scare the hell out of him and he'll part with his money. Remember 1975 when they tried to scare us by warning of impending global COOLING? In 1975, it as going to happen beginning in 1980 screamed NEWSWEEK magazine's cover story. But something happened on the way to the fridge, it didn't happen. And we didn't take it seriously. And we didn't get frightened. And we didn't spend a billion dollars trying to find a way to stay warm.
So the thieves are back with a new plan. global WARMING. Same story. Same warning. Same fear. Same demand for taxpayer dollars. Only erase the word "cooling" and insert "warming". That'll do it.
People who are willing to invest money to sell a message want to benefit from that message or they aren’t going to waste their money. Trust me, there are lots of scams around. Matoff anybody???? This is just one more.
Do you get it now? The reason you only hear one side of the story is only one side tends to make billions from this scam. And that is the 'go green' side. These people are going to get rich from taxpayer dollars. That's worth an investment of a few million for TV commercials to lull the suckers into compliance.
So don’t be conned by the media barrage – the hype – the lies. It’s all about money. And it’s one-sided because only one side can get rich off this scam and they are the only ones who will put up all this money to accomplish their objective. And that includes international thieves who envy us and want our money badly. They point to our affluence based on manufacturing success and say, "that's what's wrong with our climate! America did it!"
Please send us many billions of dollars to compensate for the harm you have caused us.
None of this is new. It happens all the time The side that plans to make money from a message will pay for that message. You can see this all the time with drug companies.
Suppose someone discovers that eating a lot of home grown fresh tomatoes can cure cancer. But it needs to be proven. It needs clinical testing.
Fine, but clinical trials cost hundreds of millions of dollars and who is going to pay for these? Who stands to make money if the tests prove tomatos cure cancer?
You see if tomatoes cure cancer, and no one holds a patent on tomatoes, and anyone can grow tomatoes in their back yard, then nobody can get rich off this cure, so who is it that you think will put up the money for the tests? Certainly not the drug companies. If tomatos cure cancer they may be out of business. But there is no one else. In the final analysis, the only way you will ever hear about the tomato cure is by word of mouth because that's free.
What I am trying to show you is why someone would spend all this money to seek approval of something – whether it’s FDA approval of a drug or your approval of a government program that is going to redistribute a trillion dollars of American wealth to fight something that doesn't even exist. Because they plan to make much more money from the effects of the message than they spend to get the message across.
Simple as that. The tomato cure won’t attract any sponsors because that cure won’t make money for anyone, so you won't hear about it and the drug companies will continue to sell their drugs. Global warming will make billions for somebody so you are going to hear about that ever day - true or not.
Now before you jump up and down about this, put yourself in the position of a guy running a pharmeceutical compahy. Years ago you spent 350 million dollars to test your new cancer drug -_CUREIT. Now you are making many more millions from that drug. You are happy, your shareholders are happy, everyone is happy.
I walk in and tell you I have just discovered that tomatoes cure. What would you say to me when I say, "will we put up the money to test this cure, chief?" What do you say???
You say, "get out of my office!" that's what you say.
If you say “sure, let’s do it”, you are one great guy. You may present the world with a cure for cancer. BUT, you are going to bankrupt your company, cause your shareholders to lose their investment, and probably lose your job and go broke.
It is this very thing that is going on with the "green" industry.
It’s all about money and they are using super salesmen, fear, dupes and dopes to sell their snake oil.
Climate changes have been going on for millennia. They are part of living on this earth. They can be slight or they can be extreme. They are caused by solar activity or the lack thereof, by cosmic bombardment or the lack thereof, and by the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere at any given momment.
C02, which represents only a miniscule amount of our atmosphere, has almost nothing at all to do with it. You are being had. Co02 is the basis for photosynthesis which produces oxygen for us to breath. C02 is our ally not our enemy.
This earth has seen frigid weather, draughts, excessive flooding, volcanic eruptions and drastic climatic changes since it was born. And that will continue no matter what we do. Man does not control climate. And fossil fuels are not going to harm you in the future any more than they have in the past 150 years.
Fossil fuels like coal and oil stand in the ways of other people getting billions of your tax dollars and that’s what they want. The UN is as phony as it can be on this issue. It is simply a conspiracy to rob America of its wealth so as to redistribute it around the world. This is politics, not science. In fact, real scientists are being intimidated to shut up on climate or suffer the loss of grants, jobs and reputation. And why not? Billions if not trillions of dollars are on the line. People do a lot worse for a whole lot less.
They people are going to bankrupt America and destroy capitalism in the process and that is their goal.
But remember this. Over 250 million cars on our highways have combustion engines. They need gasoline and gasoline is refined from oil. If we don't drill for our own, we have to buy it from them. And believe it or not, that's exactly what this government wants to do. Send our money overseas to bankrupt America because in crisis can they change the American system. There are books written about that.
A decade from now, no matter how many alternative fuel cars are sold, there will still be at least 220 million combustion-engine vehicles on our highways. Where will they get their gasoline? Where will we get the oil that we need to refine our gasoline?
From overseas, of course, where we always get it. We will continue to import oil from those countries that drill for it, up to 600 BILLION dollars worth each and every year (or 6 TRILLION dollars in a decade). And in time, sending all that money out of our country will destroy us.
And why must we do that? Why don’t we drill for our own oil on our own soil and keep that money here? Ask the Democrats. Ask Nancy Pelosi. After all, she is third in line for the Presdiency and you put there. Let her explain it to you.
It is well said: "a fool and his money are soon parted". I will add, "a fool and his country are also soon parted". So who's the fool in this case?
Obama looks good but he isn't doing good. The country is now run by liberal Democrats and it has become a rudderless ship of fools.
And when you hear about wind power and solar power, try not to laugh. Wind power has great downsides and will not be more than 12%-15% of our enegry supply unless and until someone invents a completely new storage devoce to capture the elecricity product on the famr on the mountain and ship it to where it's neededed in a portable vehicle like a battery. Don't listent to talk about a new billion dollar grid, because the wind doesn't always blow; hence, you need at 100% backup system for everything you do with wind power.
Solar isn't much better. When they say this will produce high wage American jobs they are talking to people they assume are idiots. Making solar panels is a labor intrinsic industry very well suited for cheap labor countries like China. Installing panels is like installing siding, not an expensive job. Add to that the fact that solar produces very little usuable energy at a very high cost, and you can put that into its proper position. A small contibutor and nothing more, at least right now. Who knows about tomorrow?
We need coal and we need oil and we are going to need them for a very long time. And he's the rub: we are drilling and we have cut nack out mining and if there is any interruption in the flow of foriegn oil to us, we are going to see gasoline go to $5.00 a gallon and more. There is no excuse for sending billions of our dollars to other countries to drill for the oil we have right here (including shale). It's politics and nothing more. And it is destroying the United Strates of America because the people are too stupid to see what's happening to them.
YOu need to vote every Democrat out of office to save America. And I laugh when Unions support the Democratic party. Union membership is now below 10% in this country. They have lost members as we have lost jobs and no Democrat has found a way to stop any of that.
Goodbye America, we hardly knew yee.
The story of Environmentalists gone amuck.
Harden County, Oregon, not long ago was one of Oregon’s richest counties. As a top logging town, it had the world’s largest pine mill and provided a lot of lumber and a lot of local jobs.
But the all-but-ridiculous environmentalists found that logging endangered the spotted owl and so, they lobbied to close the mill down.
Today, Harden County is bankrupt. Its unemployment rate is 25%. Families have had to move to find work elsewhere. The trees now grow under protection of the Federal Government. The spotted owls are thriving.
But -
The formerly largest pine mill in the world is closed and rotting away.
The men who used to work here can’t find work anywhere.
Logging in the American west is down 60% with a ton of lost jobs.
But America still need lumber (as we need oil). So we need to get that lumber somewhere (as we do oil). So where do we get it?
We import it from other countries.
Where do they get it?
They cut down their forests for it.
Do they have spotted owls in their forests?
Who knows.
Does anyone in these countries care?
I guess not.
Do we have to pay for the lumber we import?
Sure. We pay a lot of money for it.
Do these countries make money by selling their lumber to us?
Of course they do. It’s a thriving business way up in the past twenty years.
Is that because we stopped cutting down our own trees?
Yes, certainly.
Does that increase employment in those countries?
Yes, it does.
Does that increase unemployment in our country?
Yes, it does.
So they are doing great and we are doing poorly, rioght?
That’s right.
But our spotted owls are happy while theirs are not, right?
Right. Their owls are miserable, but ours party every night.
What about their people?
They party every night because they have jobs.
And ours?
We have nothing to party for, so we are miserable.
Join the party. One of the gravest dangers to America today are the environmentalists. They are thoroughly out of touch with reality yet somehow,
they stay in power. And - of course – they are all democrats.
They fiddle as America burns.
This is the result of having too many Democrats in power. All these wackos belong to the Democratic Party. I would love to track them down and ask them if they eat chicken? Or ever enjoy a nice steak or sausage or bacon with their eggs?
What about leather that comes from the hide of animals? Have any of that around the house in things like shoes, bags, belts, pocketbooks, or wallets? And what about the medication they use? Was any of that medication developed at the expense of certain animals in laboratories? If they answer yes to any of these questions, then they are disingenuous at best and phonies at worst. We need to get rid of them.
It is not too late to stop this destruction of America. In 2010 you can save your country but returning checks and balances to your government: Vote Republican – restore balance to both houses so they can’t get away with what they are trying to do. If you don’t, you will have to live with the result. And so will your children and so will your grandchildren - and I can assure you, you won’t like it very much.
A lot of lives were lost creating the best country the world has ever known. It would be a shame to see it destroyed by this crowd.
Americans: If you insist on being suckers, your kids will lose their country. First they took God away. Next your holidays like Christmas. Now your heroes like our Founding Fathers and Christopher Columbus are being attacked in your schools. Since when have teachers become politicians? Well they are now.
Amd mow they are undermining our military and embarrassing our CIA. Soon you will have no country left. And who is their point man? Barack Obama!!!!! YOU are being taken for a ride and if you don't wise up, your kids will lose their country.