To Members of Congress:
Re: Obama and the Town Halls
The current administration's stock in trade when it comes to health cares seems to consist of duplicity, complicity, chicanery and elitism. They use goons and Acorn organizers to intimidate their opponents just like the mob did in their home town of Chicago. Violence and distortion are their stock in trade.
How can our legislators sit still for this affront to American freedoms? If people like our elected Democratic politicians can support organizations like ACORN and unions using THUGS to intimidate honest Americans to keep them from speaking their minds at Town Hall meetings, then there is very little left of America today and nothing of freedom of speech. Bad enough our newspapers have sold out so they don't even report these intimidation’s?
Makes me wonder if everyone thinks they are immune? Surprised! After they get done with me, they are coming after you!
Honest Americans aren't street thugs. Retired Americans aren't goons. People who are upset at the thought of the government taking over their health care, are not paranoid.
I am 80 and I know more about all these issues than the goons the Democratic party is using to hush up dissent. And if you are a legislator and you can justify what the Democratic party is doing today to fellow Americans, you care more about party politics than you do about your constituents or your country, that country being the one your kids and my kids are going to inherit. If you allow it to be stolen from them, one day they will hate the sound of your name.
Come on guys, who are we kidding with this Obama dog and pony road show? And don't tell me the people rebelling against this health care crap are being encouraged by insurance companies or Fox News or anyone else. The people are responding to President Obama and his band of merry-men who have said the things that have gotten us all so upset and then claim, when we quote them, that we took them out of context. Yeah, right.
Before, when Obama was telling the truth, he said he wanted a single payer system. Now when he is trying to garner votes, he pretends he doesn't but we all know he does. Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi have made it clear that they and the people on the far left want it so what exactly have we misunderstood?
Remember this: if Obama actually would drop the public option he would lose the support of 100 democrats in the House. He won't do that. On the other hand, if he keeps it in, he will lose out in the Senate. It's going to be hard to strike any middle ground.
Well, I know what I want: no federal interference in the assignment of health care services. None. Nada. "No, no a thousand times no, I'd rather die than say yes." Forget about it.
Our fearless leader has said he favors a plan with private insurance AND a public option which he is going to include collectives or cooperatives. lol. How about a lollypop, honey?
Having a public option and a private option is much like putting a rabbit in a cage with an alligator and telling them to try to get along. The rabbit needn't make any plans for his future because he won't have one.
We aren't that dumb.
This guy just says whatever he thinks the people want to hear and then does whatever he wants anyway. You back him, you tolerate this south side gang of Chicago street thugs that come by the busload to intimate honest Americans, and you destroy your America. And remember this: "I didn't protest when they came for my neighbor so there was no one left to protest when they came for me".
In the New Hampshire town hall meeting (ha ha), this silly, deceitful man we call our President trots out a stacked house which includes a 12 year old girl who needed to comment on the health care debate from her years of experience with it. This little girl who doesn't even belong at an adult town hall meeting, is alarmed over the "mean" signs out front. Wonder how she would feel about being trapped in her home with busloads of ACORN thugs on her front loan screaming at her parents??? Maybe we should get some of the kids of those banker families that were hounded by these ACORN goons and bring them to the rallies.
Of course that 12 year old girl was a plant, the daughter of an Obama supporter, just trying to trick America. How dare he pull such crap on us? And how did that child get into an adult rally and why should she have been given a seat that another adult could have taken. And why did he call on her. Does he really think that he was being clever? DO YOU THINK HE WAS CLEVER???? I'll tell you what I think - I think he and his band of merry-men were all disgusting.
Then we move to Montana for another charade put on by people that have no regard for the intelligence of the America people. They stacked the house again with party workers and happy smiling Democratic faces. All cheering. More Democratic party hacks. Who do you think believed they were ordinary American citizens representative of those who are being seen elsewhere around the country.
No, they were not. Those in attendance were all Democrats hand-picked by the slick Chicago mob that many of you put into office.
Mainly Democratic sympathizers with one or two people allowed in to ask somewhat difficult questions for which the president was prepared in advance. The whole thing was staged and managed by someone like David Axelrod, chief thief and liar in the current Administration, who thinks it is clever to manipulate the minds of people. He holds his own supporters in such contempt that he trots out one fake after anther to their cheers. Well lots of Germans once cheer Adolph Hiter who ended up killed bny Adolph Hitler. Despots act one way before they get the job and another, afterwards. Is our President a despot? Look up the definition of despot and then you tell me.
Arlen Specter also had a town hall meeting but because he couldn't give his pet Democratic Party talking points answers across last time, this time the Democratic Party bussed in THREE BUSLOADS of ACORN street thugs to intimidate the crowd. To "level the playing field", they said. Yes like they leveled the playing fields in the last election. Do you approve of that? Is that okay with you because you are a Democrat and so are they? It would sicken me.
ACORN???? Does the Democratic party still support these goons with taxpayer dollars Are they really just regular Americans lol. Give me a break. They are goons and street thugs. And many of them not too bright. That's who was bussed in to frighten away ordinary American citizens who wanted to speak out - union goons and Acorn thugs.
There to shut up elderly Americans who work, and pay taxes, and love their country and don't want to see it taken away by fascists. But you support the goons???? Way to go guys. You might think your kids won't have to live under what it is you and your president are creating to replace our free America but they will. And they will hate it and maybe you too.
Down in Texas there was still another town hall meeting, this one held by Rep. Sheila Jackson. .A female doctor stands up to give voice to supporting the federal health plan. A doctor.
Really? A doctor put on by the same people that put that kid on up in New Hamshire? Come on now, knowing how these people lie and cheat, what are the chances ths woman was really a doctor? Slim and none. Her name is Roxana Mayer and she is another Obama supporter invited to come and lie byu one of the "organizers", this one an admitted admirer of Fidel Castro. Doctor, my ass!
Is this OKAY with you? Is this new Democratic party that lies and sets up these phony deals, okay with you? Don't you understand what goes around comes around. Do you know what they means? If they lie to me today, why wouldn't they lie to you tomorrow? Do you really think they give a damn about you? Do they invite you to their big Washington D.C. parties? Dances? Dinners? They feed on jackasses like you.
What's that you say, both sides do it? Is that what you are saying? Okay, so send me the names of a few phonies trotted out by the Republican party. I want to see them. I have a list of those that Democrats have trotted out because they keep doing it. They don't give a damn about honesty. So tell me the names of those who stood up and lied about who they were at these town hall meetings - and the name of the Republican party member that put them up to it and I will blast them too.
Being a Democrat must make you proud. Remember the bunch of women that protested the Iraq war with signs that they wanted to see more American soldiers killed? Or the folks bussed in - yes I said bussed in - to anti-war rallies to vilify George Bush 100 times worse than anything Republicans have ever done to anyone. Remember those ugly people? They were all Democrats.
And where is the liberal ACLU protesting your president's attack on free speech via the FCC attak on talk radio in his effort to "Chavez" the opposition. I guess Obama sees freedom of speech differently that the rest of us do.
In a free country dissent is necessary to keep government in order. To shut up the conservative talk show hosts because your liberal friends can't draw an audience is reprehensible. (And no, i do not listen to radio talk show hosts either conservative or liberal. They don't think for me or speak for me but I would rather they retain their right of free speech than having some wacko in Washington decide what is okay and not okay for Americans to hear. We can decide that for ourselves.) At least I can even if you can't.
This man in the White House is the most dangerous president we have ever had. He is a megalomaniac. With your help, he will destroy the America we have come to know and love. Do we have problems? Sure. Can we use some changes? Yes we can? Can they be triggered by law? Yes. But by people who are responsible back to the people whose freedoms they are affecting. That means by the CONGRESS that is ultimately responsible to the people that elected them. NOT BY MYSTERIOUS CZARS APPOINTED BY ONE MAN WHO ARE ONLY RESPONSIBLE TO THAT ONE MAN. If we are going to have Czars, trust me, we won't have a Congress.
I have heard that everyone has a price. So what's your price to sit back and let this one man and his despicable friends destroy our country? Name it. Maybe we can match it so we can stop this madness.
What was it Barack's personal advisor Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel said: he wished congress would turn over some of their authority to the Czars because the Czars don't have to worry about public opinion???
Yes, that's what he said all right. Read it again and think about what that means. And then begin to worry about your future in Washington if you are an elected legislator because your time may be limited. But you are not alone. Our time as a free people may also be approaching its end.
The statue of Liberty must have a tear in her eye.