Don't know what Cap & Trade is? Okay, I will explain it to you.
Remember those 20' seas destroying coastal areas around the world according to Al Gore. Well Big Al just bought a beachfront home in California for 9 million. Guess he isn't worried about those rising seas from melting ice anymore. I would say he is an idiot but his personal net worth went from 5 million to 100 million in five years thanks to the fools that believed him so who's the idiot?
I could say the Hollywood film people that supported him in all his lies are idiots but they are usually on the wrong side of everything so there's nothing new about that. I could also single out that Nobel Prize Committee that used their political agenda to hand out that foolish "award" to Gore but they also handed out one to Obama for doing nothing so their politics are clearly on the left. Let’s pass on them too.
A few years ago in the middle of all this man-made global warming nonsense, the Russian Academy of Science warned of coming decades of prolonged global cooling - as did scientists in America back in 1975. It is beginning to look like they are more right than Mr. Gore. If so, we need to understand that global cooling is far more dangerous to us than global warming.
But this Article is about C02 and man-made global warming and Cap & trade so let's take a look at all that.
C02 is not a danger to mankind. Hell, as you undoubtedly learned in High School, C02 is actually part of our life cycle. Plants ingesting C02 actually produce Oxygen. We then breath in the oxygen and exhale C02 which goes to feed the plants etc.
This is the cycle of life. I wouldn't think reducing the C02 dramatically would be particularly good for us or for our plant brothers and sisters. They need all the C02 they can get today and we need all the oxygen we can find. Oxygen is diminishing as our woodlands diminish so it might be a good idea for these idiot pseudo-scientists to cool it before they really screw things up.
Anyway, let's discuss the Cap & Trade scheme. Cap & Trade is not about warming or cooling or man-made anything. Cap & Trade is about wealth redistribution. It's an EXCUSE. Interested parties have been trying to find an excuse to take America's wealth and redistribute it to third world, non-industrialized societies, for years.
They didn't have much success until Idiot-Al and his band of merry-men on the Idiot Nobel Prize Committee invented the scare technique of man-made warming. It was just what they needed to accomplish their Robin Hood goal - taking from the rich (nations) and giving to the poor (nations). (By the way, don't be sure any wealth taken from us and sent to THEM will actually EVER reach poor people. It has to go through their corrupt government officials first and that's proven for years to be a stumbling block, no matter what we are told. The thieves running these third world nations STEAL IT!
These are the same people the UN defines as “statesmen”. What a joke that is. Hell, when they are stealing their people blind, they are murdering them. So much for the UN.
Cap and Trade is all about spreading money around from the Industrialized Nations to the non-Industrialized nations. Another way to say it is from successful producing nations to unsuccessful, non-producing nations. Another, another way to put it is from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States (hmmm what do they all have in common?) to the rest of the world, most particularly the 3rd world.
That's Cap & Trade and that's what this is all about, folks, taking wealth from YOU and handing it to someone that did nothing to earn it. C02 is just the tool they are using to try to get it done.
You see, the Marxist Revolutionaries that the American public has now put into office actually believe that poor people are poor because of the actions of wealthy people. That's right. The only reason there are poor people is that wealthy people get rich off the sweat and toil of the poor. They actually believe that.
And those of us who live in highly industrialized nations are the worst "pigs" of all, in their eyes. We are the reason for all the world's ills. (They ignore the fact that there were MORE poor people and “POORER” people before America and before Industrialization, than since. They ignore facts when they don't fit their stupid ideology.)
Anyway, the truth is wealthy people become wealthy usually by getting a better education and working harder and taking more risks that non-wealthy people. (And they create lots of jobs in doing so).
Poor people are poor because they do NONE of those things. It's not the least bit complicated. There is poverty because most people simply won’t put out the effort to succeed and to a lesser degree perhaps because they weren’t given sufficient opportunity and encouragement to try.
Still, we have done a lot to provide increasing opportunity to more people which is a good thing - and we do need to do more of that - but the principle reason remains: the poor haven’t worked hard enough to succeed. If they want to change that, they need to muster the will to work harder, to sacrifice more, and to put in the same hard work, study and yes, even investment, that others have done. Only then will they escape poverty. We can help but no one is going to do it for them.
America does not promise success to anyone, it just offers the opportunity to succeed to everyone. It is strictly up to the individual and as proof I offer the legal immigrants who come here and work hard and sacrifice and end up doing very well.
They understood the American dream and they sacrificed mightily to come to America to share in it.
The folks who swallowed Obama’s rhetoric and put their hand out for other people money should have listened a bit more carefully and then asked some questions. One might have been “how” and the other might have been “who”? “How are you going to do it” and “who is going to pay for it”? But I don't think they really cared.
Giving poor people handouts will change nothing except to make everything worse. Handouts create a culture of lassitude that destroys initiative and does more harm than it does good. Remember the old adage: “give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for his whole life.” That’s as true today as it has always been.
Cap & Trade is robbing the rich nations to give to the poor nations with the hope when the leaders of these poor nations get this money they will distribute it to the people. That’s damn near ridiculous. It won’t happen because it never has happened. Those leaders would sooner kill their people and steal the money than share it.
But don't get the idea these Obama people are just in it for altruistic purposes. that's not true at all. They intend to benefit big time from Cap & Trade. They all intend to get rich. And I’m not talking about millions of dollars either, I am talking about BILLIONS of dollars!
Here’s how. Someone – the UN if Obama has his way – will go around the world to businesses and make a determination of how much of that dangerous C02 they are producing. Then they will check that amount against a table that will tell them how much a business like yours is allowed to produce. If you are producing more than they said you should (Excelon for example), then you have to pay a big fine. If you are producing less than you are allowed (some small business in China or Africa perhaps), you will get a CREDIT for the difference. So big companies in highly industrialized societies will be producing too MUCH C02 and face big fines while small businesses around the world will be produce LESS C02 than allowed and so they will get CREDITS.
Here’s the rub: these credits can be sold or traded. Like any other commodity, they are worth money and people will bid on them and buy them. Who? Big rich companies located in highly industrialized nations that are facing big government fines. They will buy those credits in a heartbeat.
And there you go. OUR companies in highly industrialized America – as well as companies in Western nations like Germany and England – will have to buy these extra credits to reduce their “fines”. So money will go from them to the small companies that have the credits – companies around the world in not so big, not so successful, not so industrialized nations. It’s nothing but a scam. And when our big companies are forced to buy these credits so as not to be fined, they will pass their costs on to their customers and that would be you and me.
From US to THEM. Get it?
By the way there is a new bank set up in Chicago – I think it’s called “Community First Bank-Chicago”. Don’t you love that word “community”. You remember Obama worked as a Community Organizer with ACORN.
This bank is very interesting first because a lot of Obama’s friends and allies are owners and associates and second because they are set up to do what? Can you guess??? TRADE CO2 CREDITS!!!!
And the billion will flow like wine. YOU will get poorer, AMERICA will get poorer and these radical, leftist, hate-America revolutionaries (William Ayers involved?) will become the new world order.
That my friend is what’s behind the words: Cap & Trade.
To some it means “altruism”, helping the poor. To others it means “from those who have it to those who do not have it and want it”. Put the Obama bunch in that second category. Hell, they do need money – none of them has ever had a real job!
So, how will they put this scheme into effect if they can get away with it? Like this:
An international body, probably the crooked, inept, graft-ridden, anti-White United Nations – most of the over 190 member nations fit that description - will go around the world looking at all businesses big and small. Depending on a number of factors under their control - but not ours - they will decide how much C02 that business will be allowed to generate. Then that business will get “credits” which are like discount coupons for that amount of C02.
The businesses can then use their credits to offset their production of C02. If they exceed their quota of C02 after using their coupons, they will have to pay a very big fine. If they don't need all their credits because they don't produce much C02 (companies in third world nations), then the credits which work like clip-out coupons you use in the Supermarket, can be sold to those who need them i.e. the C02 producers - namely companies in the Industrialized West.
Understand? If a company has C02 credits that it doesn't need or can't use, they can sell them. And who will buy them? Obviously those who do produce C02 and don't want to pay this big fine.
And where do you find those companies? That's easy - in the Industrialized West - in the United States. OUR companies will have to buy those credits from third world companies that got coupons they didn't need. They got them so they would have a PRODUCT TO SELL! The product in this case will be the Carbon Credits – call them discount coupons.
Imagine that! A product to sell with a big market that has NO COSTS involved and will sell for a big profit. It's a world-wide legal shakedown! Now, how nice is that?
And according to Obama's proposed Cap & Trade legislation, these companies will continue to get these credits every year so every year they can convert them to huge amounts of cash with no costs involved. That’s not bad! In fact, it’s FREE MONEY!!! It’s an international handout from US to THEM! (And every Industrialized successful Western nations is in exactly the same fix.) Are you beginning to understand this shakedown now?
Let’s look at two businesses. (1) A small business in Africa that employs 100 people and makes some local product and (2) Excelon in America that employs hundreds of thousands of people and produces electricity for tens of millions of American customers in a highly energized and successful industrialized society.
(1) AFROTYPICAL INC., is a small local African business that actually produces far LESS C02 that it is allowed. So it is issued credits that it can’t use and doesn’t need. But, because of the way the Cap & Trade Bill is set up, AFROTYPICAL can sell those credits to someone who does need them. Someone who will have to pay huge fines if they don’t find enough credits to offset the C02 they produce.
(2) EXCELON is one of those companies (as many American companies are) that produces electricity from burning coal. That produces a lot of C02. And that’s the basis for the scam.
Comes the end of the reporting period, both AFROTYPICAL and EXCELON have to report their C02 production to the government. If it’s more than they are allowed (including credits), they will be required to pay a very big fine. If it’s not, they pay nothing extra.
Well, the African Company isn’t paying any fine because they aren’t industrialized and they don’t produce much C02. So little in fact, that they have lots of left over credits.
Excelon on the other hand produces more C02 than they are allowed and they don’t have any credits to offset their production so they have two options: (1) get those credits somewhere or (2) pay the government fine.
According to the Cap & Trade legislation being proposed, unneeded
C02 credits CAN BE TRADED OR SOLD! Anyone with left over or un-needed credits, can sell them!
And who will have extra credits to sell? Companies from non-industrialized nations. Companies like AFROTYPICAL INC.
And who will need to buy credits over and over? Why EXCELON of course and most other companies from the industrialized nation viz. America, Germany, France, and England etc.
So all the White Western European nations plus Australia and Canada and the United States will need to BUY these credits and all companies from non-industrialized and third world nations will be given credits they don’t need that they can then turn around and sell them. Just like that we have created a new product (credits) and a new market (The West). And the great part is the small companies don’t have to do anything to get those credits? So if they sell them, any money they get is pure profit.
Okay, get it? So, how will that effect you? Well, that’s simple. Since our companies which have been doing business without these credits now have to BUY these credits to stay in business in the future, that increases their costs. Those costs will have to be passed on to you via higher bills. Heat, air conditioning whatever - if it uses electricity, it's going WAY UP! Even the President admitted that much: he said they will of necessity spiral up! The only lie he told us was in telling us he had to do this to save the planet from C02. (He said that because he thinks you are dumb enough to believe it.) Makes me want to go buy a shoe-repair shop in West Africa.
Money from us – the producers – to them, the non-producers. And that's why I call it “wealth redistribution” because that’s what it is and that’s what it is intended to be. Here’s another surprise: you have been lied to and why? Because they think you are too dumb to know it.
So now my friends, you know what this is all about. Under the control of the thieving, graft-ridden, anti-American UNITED NATIONS and with the complicity of the President of the United States and his liberal Democratic Party partisans, AMERICA IS ABOUT TO BE RAPED ECONOMICALLY!
Of course the low income people in America can be expected to get some form of help from our government to make up for these new higher energy costs. They will get tax credits even if they don’t pay any taxes. Even if they don't even have a job. After all they don’t have any money to steal so why bother with them. In the end, only the successful, hard working, well-educated Americans (mostly White) who have achieved some modicum of success will be asked to bear the brunt of these increased costs. They will pay and they will pay big time.
That’s the story of Cap & Trade with all the political hogwash removed. It’s a scam. Nothing more and nothing less than a scam to balance out the world’s economies until everyone has the same and everyone (but the ring leaders) has nothing. It's communism pure and simple. (And as before, it will fail but only after it has done immense damage to millions of us.)
Worse, when you take too much of what a man earns away from him, he loses his incentive to work hard and he just stops producing. It’s human nature. So we can expect our productivity to also suffer and with that, the decline of our America will have begun.
And that, as a famous actor used to say, is the name of that tune.
PS Did you know that if you make just $37,500.00 a year in America, you are among the 7% highest paid workers in the world! That is extremely significant.
YOU make more than 93% of all the other workers anywhere in the world. That makes YOU an elitist.
Why is this important? Because it means maybe some of YOUR money can also go to help those with even less than you have. And there are a whole lot of them.
Think about it. That's what these clowns are up to. Even though in truth, it won't help the poor that much. it will most certainly mess you up a great deal. Don’t think you are safe from all this, because unless you are really poor, you are not.
These people love Chairman Mao. You remember him. In China when the Communists took over and create the same political system these people want for us, it was so popular that Mao Tse Tung had to KILL over 30 million of his own people to force them to accept it. Children were turned against their parents and asked to turn their parents in to the Government if they talked badly about Communism. Well, they did and their parents were killed. That’s Chairman Mao that these creeps love so much.
It’s time to rise up and throw these bums out. If we don’t, God help us.