One Western nation committed itself to that idea - Spain - and all they did was lose jobs and lose money, It's a political talking point with nothing behind it. In other words it's all b.s. Invest in research sure. Pretend we have a viable alternative energy source right around the corner is criminal. We don't.
We are dependent on coal, oil and some natural gas. Until they have a proven, mass-produced alternative, we still need coal, oil and natural gas. AND WE ARE GOING TO NEED THEM FOR AT LEAST TWO DECADES AND MAYBE MORE!
Note: If the President of the United States is really so much against offshore drilling (no "drill baby drill"), how come he just sent two BILLION American dollars south to PETROBRAS for OFFSHORE drilling. lol. Yes, that's right. And what is Petrobras? Why that's the Brazilian nationally owned oil company. We sent 2 BILLION to another country's national oil company so THEY can drill offshore.
What do you think about that? It's okay for them but not for us? Why's that? So they can then sell their oil to us at whatever price they set, and we will have to buy it sending almost a trillion of our dollars overseas every year. And losing jobs at the same time?
Why is that a good idea? It isn't! When we buy oil from overseas that costs us jobs - good jobs - and LOTS OF MONEY!!!!
These people speak out of both sides of their mouth. Know why? They have NO IDEA what the hell they are talking about, that's why!
Look, we all would like some renewable non-polluting and affordable plentiful source of energy. BUT GUESS WHAT? THERE IS NONE! There is none now and there is none in sight - none that will make a major impact anyway. You can’t change the facts with rhetoric. These people - and that includes our President who speaks for them - are simply trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Here are the indisputable facts:
In 2010, we have a quarter billion combustion engine vehicles on our roads today and a decade from now no matter what we do, we will still have most of them. And that's a fact.
Sure, they will sell some cars that don't use gasoline or that use less gasoline, but they simply won't make a major impact in the next 10 years no matter how many they sell. Let's be honest here. If they sell 20 million hybrids and electric cars in the next ten years, that will be a magnificent accomplishment and it will make them lots of money but it won’t change anything: 250,000,000 – 20,000,000 = 230,000,000. We'll still have 92% of the problem remaining. And that’s over a decade - 10 years.
And it won’t get that much better even over 20 years. Say they sell two million a year this decade and three million a year in the next decade (that's 20 years from now). That would be a stunning accomplishment. Fifty million new cars sold in America that do not depend solely on gasoline (Hybrids do use gas at times).
And yet how much difference will it make? Fifty million out of two-hundred and fifty million is just 20%. That still leaves you with 80% of the problem remaining - 200 million vehicles that need gasoline and that's twenty years from now! Two decades!
Look, the truth is that nothing is going to change for a very long time no matter what we do. The correct approach is to do what we are doing and put money in RESEARCH of alternative fuels to see if there's one that will really work for all of us. There isn't one today and there isn't one anywhere in sight for tomorrow. Political rhetoric may sound good but if you put a truth meter on it, the meter would tilt! Yes we should do what we can but not if it costs us more money than we have and certainly not if it costs us more jobs. That's ridiculousl.
This Administration is not really selling 'green', it's selling wealth redistribution and that’s all it is selling. And one way to do that is with Cap & Trade (see my Article on this blog.)
We need oil to run our cars, run our industry, heat our homes etc. -oil and gas. Just like everyone else. And that's why all the countries in the world that have these resources, drill for them. On land and in the water. Oil is vital. For now we can't exist without it. Cut back on oil and your home will be cold this winter, your car may stand in long lines for gas, and gasoline will sell for $5.00 or $7.50 or even more per gallon.
If we don't drill for oil and 'they' do, we will have no choice but to buy it from 'them' At whatever price they set for it. And how come it's okay for them to drill but not us? It IS the same world, isn't it?
Yes, it is. But this is how Obama and his trouple of merry-Marxists intend to shift our wealth around the world. Make us buy oil from countries they like that have it. Brazil being one of them.
(By the way, stay with me. In a minute, I am going to talk to you about those hybrids and electric cars. They will help the situation of course but they will not eliminate our need for oil, not now and not in the foreseeable future. (Plus they aren't exactly problem-free.)
No, oil and coal are going to be with us for decades unless you want to walk instead of ride, be cold in winter instead of warm, and have no job instead of a job in an industrialized society. You make the call.
I N T E G R I T Y is what's missing in this Administration, along with competence. They make pretty speeches and great commercials but their commericals are no different from any commercial you see on television – they are selling you something you don’t want and don’t need so they can take control of your money. When you watch any commercial, always ask yourself "who is paying for this commercial and why are they paying millions to put it on the air?"
No one is doing it without a damn good reason.
These people keep talking about alterntaive green fuels as if they are around the corner. That's a hell of a big corner, folks. Let’s look at these marvelous fuels you hear so much about from our President and his scheming friends. (And remember, just a year ago they were telling us about global warming and rising coastal waters. That's before Al bought his beachfront home in California.)
WIND POWER: For those that like the idea of wind energy, count on wind for about a 15-20% contribution to our energy needs over the next two or maybe three decades IF we're lucky. Lots of problems there. Wind doesn’t always blow so they always need a complete back-up system and that costs a lot of money. Also, when the wind does blow it doesn’t blow where you need it so you have to move that energy across power lines for long distances and that costs tons of money. And those turbines can come down and that can cause chaos. Until there are some serious breakthrough in electric power transmission and storage, wind power has serious limitations.
SOLAR POWER. Another put-on. You know, there are lots of problems in converting something that may work in a very limited number of cases over one small area and that cannot not be cost-justified to something that will work in mass production for a mass of consumers over a large area (9 million square miles, for example) and do it at a competitive price. For solar, that is far, far in the future not in this decade and probably not in the next.
(By the way, remember President Obama said making solar panels will create great high-paying jobs right here in America? lol. Solar panels are made today in China and its not a high paying job at all. Either he was misinformed or he lied. But he's the same guy that told those Michigan steel workers in 2008 he would bring their jobs back and then in 2009 had to tell them that their jobs are never coming back. What changed? He was elected by 2009.)
Certainly we can and we should continue to develop alternative energy sources. We have no idea what might be discovered. But it isn't here today and it won't be here tomorrow either. And remember, it's a very long time between discovering something in a laboratory and turning that into a commercial product that can be mass produced and mass distributed all at a competative price. That takes a much longer time.
Until then, we need what we need where we need it when we need it. And that's coal, oil and natural gas - we need them here and now and for the foreseeable future.
When you hear people talking about electric cars or Hybrids, you need to listen carefully and critically. Don't be misled. Certainly these are good alternatives and they will help some. But they are not going to be a big part of the market for some time. Not only that, but they have problems too. Problems maybe they aren't talking about. Let's take a look:
1. Electric cars are expensive.
2. Electric cars use big electric batteries.
3 The batteries have limited range and in a big country like ours, that’s a problem that will limit sales.
4. The batteries cost $7,500.00 each and must be replaced every 4-5 years at the owner's expense. That's another huge negative.
5. The batteries are hazardous and must be carefully handled when you manufacture them and when you dispose of them. If you are disposing of tens of millions, that could be a big environmental problem.
6. These batteries also have to be recharged when you get home every night. Let's examine that simple step:
Let's say we have what did I say, 30 million - 50 million – most being plugged in when you come home from work at night? Do you think that might overload existing power plants? Of course it will.
So what will have to be done? That’s easy – we will have to build new coal-fired power plants. Lot's of them. (80% of our electricity comes from burning coal.) And yes I said, COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTS unless you want to build a lot more nuclear plants. But remember, nuclear plants are very expensive, take a long time to build (decades usually) and are - no matter what they say - very dangerous. (Spent fuel rods are also interesting. You need to find out about them)
(Note: When they build a Hybrid which will run on the electric battery until the battery gets low, then automatically switch to the combustion engine and run for about 1 hour recharging the electric battery and then switch back to battery operation, then we can talk seriously about Hybrids selling those 30 million.)
But those are our choices. In the meantime, if you want to drive instead of walk (or take public transportation), and if you want a job in an industrialized society rather than an agricultural one, or if you want a warm home instead of a cold one next winter, you need oil and you need coal.
Sometimes when you drill for minerals, there are accidents. Sometimes people die. They die in coal mines, oil drilling sites, diamond mines, gold mines, etc. But then people also die in airplanes and we continue to fly. They die in car accidents, and we continue to drive. They die in wars and we continue to fight. Accidents are part of life. If the end product of what we do is important to us, then we take the risks and deal with the results. That's what life is all about.
Have you ever asked yourself: doesn't anyone tell the truth anymore? The answer is not often and almost never in politics. Everyone has an agenda. Politicians are in the business of manipulating public opinion for their own use. And public opinion means you. Therefore, they lie all the time because they believe you are too dumb to know the difference. When you have a minute check out the wealth of our US Senators. See how many get rich as they work so hard for us.
Finally there is natural gas and we have a lot of that. More than anyone else in the world. But you have to drill for it, and I guess gas is dangerous and for that reason it has been virtually unused for cars since cars were invented. I don't know that but I would assume that's the problem. Gas can explode and cause grave damage. in the end, natural gas-fired cars might be as dangerous as nuclear energy but I don't know that. I just know we have a lot of it, it's been around a long time, and we have almost no cars that use ir for fuel. Big public vehicles like busses, yes. And some fleet cars. But no ordinary cars for ordinary people. I don't know why.
So you see, there are just no easy answers.
Also remember, all cars need service. To get that service when you need it, someone has to place service stations for YOUR car all over the country. Mechanics have to be trained. Parts have to be stocked. And if you have some electric cars, and some combustion engine cars and some with rubber bands, you have to have mechanics to service all of them and parts for all of them. Who exactly is going to up-front all the money needed to establish this new automobile infrastructure? You don't hear any of this on the TV commericals. That's because you aren't bright enough to understand it - or so they seem to think.
Will we ever totally be off coal and oil? Probably not. At least not in the forseeable future. Then why all this talk about it. Well, we have the most coal of any country in the world. We also have a huge reserve of oil. And a lot of natural gas. We could use what we have for a century or more and create jobs for ourselves and keep our trillion dollars at home. So why don't we? After all, everyone else does.
The answer is that this isn’t about coal and oil. It isn’t about the mythical but fast-disappearing man-made global warming. It isn’t about C02 which is NOT dangerous to any of us or our environment.
Drilling accidents cause oil spills that we all hate. Sadly we hate the alternatives even more. Let's do all we can to ensure the drilling is safe. The first thing is stop forcing oil companies to move futher and further into deep water. That's where drilling is the most dangerous and that's a political decision not a scientific one.
We now have a lot of Obama Marxists in very high positions in our government. They are going to change America – they said so. How? By taking our wealth and spreading it around the world.
One way is to force us to continue to buy oil overseas. They say they want to get us off it, but instead they restrict our drilling so we have to buy it elsewhere. But we still use the same amount whether WE drill for it or WE buy it elsewhere.
You are being lead by a slick snake oil salesman. Remember, the most likeable snake-oil salesman, sells the most snake oil and he is very likable. Why not? If you wanted to sell something to someone, would you send a salesman you thought people would like or someone you thought people wouldn't like?
Lesson learned.
Better wake up or one day, you may find you have lost your birthright and your country is no more. It has happened before.
Oh yes, this administration also favors censorship. Of course they don’t call it political censorship but then who does? And of course they will always have a great way of telling you about it to make it sound more palatable. But censorship is censorship and it means if they don’t like what you are saying, you could end up in jail just like in any of those third-world nations they love so much.
Free speech is not popular with them and it is not popular with the Czars Obama as appointing in this Anti-American administration.
Wake up. It’s time to save your country for your kids. This November will tell the tale. If Obama ends up with the same majority he has now, it’s all over.
Whether he does or doesn't is squarely up to you.
I for one, hope not.