Here is my plan to resolve the immigration problem once and for all: I don't kid myself that everyone will love all of it but it's fair, it's complete and it will solve the problem. For those who oppose any plan on emotion, better try to get your emotions under control because they aren't going back. No matter who is elected.
First, to take the politics out of it, I am suggesting these new citizens not be allowed to vote for an additional five years after they earn their citizenship. That's their punishment for coming here illegally. It will also take the politics out of the question since so many think all the Democrats care about is more uninformed voters coming here to punch their ticket. This caveat will ease that fear.
Now for the rest of my plan
BORDER SECURITY: Arm and upgrade the border patrol with full authority to police our borders. The borders MUST be sealed.
ENGLISH: Declare English to be the official language of the United States. One language makes us strong. If you want to live in America, learn the language.
When that is done and not one day before, we can move on to the rest of the immigration bill.
1. With the borders sealed institute a registration program in which illegals will come in, be photographed, interviewed, fingerprinted et al. If they have a crime on their record and it is a misdemeanor, let them resolve the situation on the spot and be registered. If they have a felony, depending on the nature of the crime they will either (1) pay the price and register or (2) be deported depending upon the crime.
Obviously, those who have committed major crimes won't come in but under this plan they will officially become criminals and when found, will easily be locked up and/or permanently deported.
2 a. Registered immigrants will be given official ID and "guest" status for five years. If they work, pay taxes, and do not commit crimes, in five years they can begin the process to citizenship. Any child born to an illegal in America will NOT be a citizen unless and until the parent(s) become citizens. When that happens, the children automatically will become citizens. There will be NO “chain immigration”.
2 b. A new citizen may bring his spouse of three or more years to America plus any unmarried child under the age of 18 years.
3. A guest worker program will be initiated for workers who wish to come here, work, and go back home. They need to register, be identified, interviewed, photographed and fingerprinted but they will be allowed free passage over the border at authorized entry ports.
4. After six months, all unregistered immigrants in America will become criminals. They will receive no public services - other than clear emergency medical treatment for children - and when caught they will be deported losing any future chance for citizenship here. The key to all services is lawful registration. Immigrants will not be automatically entitled to equal services with citizens but must wait until they enter the citizenship process (registration).
5. There will be no fines and no mandatory returns to Mexico. If the immigrants follow the rules, they are welcome, despite their original transgressions. After all, it is rightly said that desperate people do desperate things. As someone also said, it is easier to seek forgiveness than permission. If they now follow the rules and our laws, they will be forgiven. Call it the Immigrants’ Statute of Limitations.
6. Hiring of any undocumented (unregistered) alien beginning six months after this law is passed, will be a felony with appropriate penalties.
7. With registration, married persons may bring their spouses (of at least three years) to this country along with their children (whether by this or other marriages). Other relatives are not included. There will be no chain immigration.
8. Persons filing for citizenship must use the same protocol as others that apply for citizenship i.e. classes, tests etc.
9. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution will be applied as written. This does not require a constitutional change; simply judicial honesty.
Note: The 14th Amendment to the Constitution reads: "all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States"
There are three conditions, two of which must be met. The conditions are: (1) they must be born here OR they must be naturalized AND (2) they must be "subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” That’s ‘AND" not "OR". Since persons here are illegal and in hiding, they are certainly not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof"; hence, neither they nor their children are citizens.
The Constitution has been compromised to everyone's detriment including legal immigrants by judicial legislating. We are a country of law. We need to apply our laws as written not have them rewritten by liberal judges engaged in political activism who can do what they want without oversight. That’s not the way this country is supposed to operate. If they want to be legislators, let them run for congress.
So that's my plan and I think it’s a good one. I resolve the problem and I secure the border so it won’t happen again. I guess that sort of simplistic thinking is over the head of liberal politicians who are willing to sell us down the drain for a few Hispanic votes but that is self-defeating and good for no one. This plan is better for everyone. (Remember when “they” called us ‘racists’ for being against the first poorly written immigration bill?)
It is a fairly simple concept: if a water main breaks and floods your house, it will do you no good to start repairing the damage. The first thing that needs to happen is the main has to be repaired and the flow of water stopped; then you can begin to clean up your house. First things first.
Secure the borders FIRST. Then fix the problem.
To those of you who find my bill ‘too easy’ and who want the illegals deported or at least punished, I’m sorry but realistically, that isn't happening. Better forget it. Consider that they have passed the statute of limitations like bank robbers, and let's move on. After all, we all contributed to the problem for 150 years. Neither party ever bothered to secure our borders. So now we have to live with the result
I ask you to consider what it would be like to try to find 12-15 million people that don’t want to be found. What happens when you find a few of them? They live in homes, maybe pay rent, have jobs, have kids in school. You are going to interrupt not only their lives but the community they live in.
And then what? Do you really think you can just pick them up and drive them across America and drop them off at the border? Forget that. And what kind of national organization would you need to find them, police them, pack them up, and move them. How many new governmental jobs would that create and at what cost?
No that is nonsense. And as I said, some of them – many of them – have been here for years if not decades. That is not the answer and that is not my goal.
Neither is it my goal to just punish people who were looking for a better life for themselves and their children. What if you had a bakery and you put your loaves of break outside to cool amid hungry people? Think the loaves would be stolen? Of course they would
No, my goal is not punishment; it is to resolve a very vexing problem. I think my plan does that.
But I stop far short of calling our citizens bigots because they do want these illegals to go home. It’s just that it is impractical and just about impossible to accomplish and so it is not an option.
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