Do animals feel sadness? Chimps observing the funeral of one of their own

As a long-time titan in Washington lobbying, BP is well positioned to repel federal scrutiny by using its political influence. The company spent nearly $16 million last year to influence Congress and the Executive branch and that rate of spending hasn't slowed down this year. During the first quarter of 2010, it ranked second among all oil and gas interests racking up $3.53 million on federal lobbying. And that's for three months! The top recipient of BP’s lobbying money in 2008 was PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA.
Now for the other characters in this play:
1. JOHN PODESTA: John Podesta heads up George Soros’ “Center For American Progress”, a very left wing pressure group. He is also a very close ally of President Obama. In fact, PODESTA HEADED UP OBAMA'S TRANSITION TEAM when Obama took office. John Podesta is now rumored to be scripting the White House response to the BP spill. In other words, John Podesta, close personal ally of the President, is the person who is running the TV congressional show against BP. And trust me that's exactly what it is: a TV show for your benefit.
2. TONY PODESTA: John Podesta has a brother. His name is Tony Podesta. John and Tony together run a top Washington LOBBYING FIRM called “The Podesta Group”. Remember that.
Now to connect the dots:
3. “The Podesta Group” gave Obama more money in 2008 than it gave to any other politician! Remember that. In the election of 2008, Obama got more cash than anyone else from BP!!!
4. Next, TONY PODESTA is BP’s chief lobbyist in Washington and has the task of protecting BP’s interests in this oil-spill mess that his brother [and business partner] is orchestrating for the Administration. Tony lobbied the Congress and was the one who handed out BP’s money. Remember that, too.
Question: Seeing the close relationship that exists between BP and the US Government ($$$), between BP and President Obama ($$$), between Tony Podesta and the Congress of the United States ($$$), between Tony Podesta and his brother JOHN who works for Obama and who is scripting this TV show etc., I ask you - HOW MUCH OF WHAT WE ARE SEEING ON TV IS REAL AND HOW MUCH IS NOTHING BUT A SCRIPTED SOAP OPERA ORCHESTRATED FOR OUR BENEFIT (AND TO GET DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS ON TV IN AN ELECTION YEAR)???
Keep in mind, the guy representing the government's interests (JOHN) and the guy representing BP's interests (TONY) are BROTHERS! Together they own "The Podesta Group" a big-time LOBBYING FIRM THAT HAS GIVEN A TON OF MONEY TO OBAMA! Not only that, but THEY ARE BOTH CLOSE PERSONAL AND POLITICAL FRIENDS AND ALLIES OF PRESIDENT OBAMA'S!!! What does that tell you???
This is what it tells me. I can buy BP stock and get myself a bargain. The company will weather this storm just fine. It has friends "in high places". Sure, BP had to take off its public shirt and take a few lashes to satisfy Obama's political needs, but when this blows over, they will be big as ever and more money will be "donated" to Obama and the Democratic Party in Washington for the upcoming elections. Ain't that swell?
We have in Washington, a Chicago-style crooked political adminstration filled with incompetents, cheats, and phonies and a few anti-American Marxists - all aiding and abetting BP in their moment of need. What a bunch. They are playing to the ignorant - and that folks, is us.
PS This goes far beyond just Obama. Barbara Boxer's husband is an attorney who was not long ago, and may still be, employed by who??? Of course, British Petroleum. They have friends all over Washington so don't believe the dog and pony show they are putting on for your benefit.
Now to another matter: Remember when President Obama said that he didn't like the Star, Spangled Banner. Remember? He said it was too war-like with "the bombs bursting in air".
I bet at that time that he didn't know why those words were written or when or under what circumstances Francis Scott Key wrote them. Let me refresh the President's memory.
It was 1814. Francis Scott Key was on an English warship as that ship began the bombardment of Fort Henry. After watching the British Royal Navy shell the American fort for hours, Francis Scott Key was thrilled to see the huge American flag still flying. He sat down and penned these words. Years later, the words written by Francis were put to a tune written by an Englishman, John Stafford Smith, and 117 years after that, in 1931, that song was selected to be our National Anthem.
The words, Mr. President, were written to honor the courage and the strength and the will of the men and women at Ft. Henry as they suffered under the shelling of the English Navy and prevailed. Maybe now that you know the story behind them, you may understand them and be proud of them.
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
That Mr. President is why the words 'the bombs bursting in air' are part of the song.
Because bombs were bursting in air.
America the beautiful. Love it or leave it.
I can't wait until 2012.
