This is the mother of the dead man. She has an amazing story about our President and her son, if true. (Copy and paste this link into your browser.)
Then, when you're done with this one, come back and scoll down to the story of UFO's, The Big Bang Theory, and Alien Civilizations in Space. I don't believe in the first two but I do believe in the third. It's all below and it's an interesting story.
First, the Obama story:
HEADLINE: Mother of slain gay son says her son was killed "execution style" in 2007 to protect the secret of his lover who was about to become President of the United States - Barack Obama! Can this be true? Wow what a story!
The mother says the three men were involved with a gay club that was part of the Church of Rev. Wright, a club meant to bring gays together. All three of these men were, according to her, associates of Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel. Two of them died in 2007 from multiple gun shot wounds - according to the mother, execution style. The third died of some disease. All died in 2007 before the 2008 elections. All were very young. Strange indeed.
The woman says her son had an affair with Obama and she beleives he was killed to keep that liason secret. She is an African American woman, a former member of the Chicago police deparment, and a lifelong Democrat who says she is now fearful of her own life by coming forward with the truth.
Is this true or is she lying. And if she is lying, why? What would she have to gain that would be so important that she would defame the memory of her dead son?
It could be a lie I guess, but to me, it has the ring of truth. And if it is - whoa!!!
I don't think we will see this covered in the liberal press or by the national media unless it unleashes a storm of inquiry! Then it might! But you can bet all the power of the Presidency is going to be brought to bear to hush up this story - one way or the other.
Again, all I know is what I read. So you read and make up your own mind. But I say something is very wrong here.
Copy and past that link and read, then decide for yourself. To me, she doesn't look like a woman who would lie about her dead son. But read it and see what you think? Somebody has to track her down and find out the truth.
SO who is this man we elected President? What lies behind the smile and the clever quips? I have seen his friends and associates and I can't say I like them much. Now I wonder about him.
So I ask you, who is Barack Obama?
PS If we had an honest naional press we would know if these stories are true or not. But we don't know because they don't cover anything that is anti-Obama or anti-liberalism. So we have to do the best we can. This story won't get much press but this woman sure looks sincere and she did lose her son. It's not about nothing.