Many Americans seem to believe that redistribution of wealth means taking money from affluent, successful Americans and giving it to less affluent and less successful Americans. And since most Americans are in the latter group, they think that is just fine with them. But they are dead wrong.
President Obama is a citizen not so much of America as of the World. One day, I even think he may campaign to become President of the United Nations although I did note Thursday that he got a slap in the face when 39 UN member countries walked out of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad anti-West diatribe but about 150 members stayed. That’s the UN – still anti-American to the core. Always was, always will be even though Uncle Sugar pays most of the bills.
When Obama speaks to Americans about redistribution of wealth, Americans do not understand what he means – he doesn’t mean from wealthy Americans to less wealthy Americans which is fine with our less successful fellow-citizens, no: he means from nations to nations. From America to say Kenya. That’s the Obama redistribution – nation to nation, not citizen to citizen.
And here’s where ALL Americans will be shocked. The average American makes about $38,000.00 a year. Ninety percent of the workers in other countries make far less than that. In many countries for example, the average is under $10,000.00 a year. In third world countries, it's less than $5,000.00 a year.
So to the rest of the world - and to those who want to re-distribute America's wealth - the average American worker has too much. Why in America, even the poor have televsions and radios and cell phones and automobiles and plenty of food on the table while at the same time, their kids have $150 sneakers and video games et al. So you see, the poor here are indeed rich compared to the poor amost everywhere else.
You know you constantly hear Democrats railing about the top 1% of Americans that are rich (many of whom are Democrats by the way) and you naturally thought THEY would be the target of re-distribution. Well surprise agin. Most of Ameria's wealth is in the hands of the OTHER 99% of us. That includes you. So, they are about to turn you into of all things - a Philanthropist! Yep, you are going to give away your money to those less fortunates in the world. And here's how they intend to get you to do it.
Recently, this President banned oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. That was to protect the environment, he said. BUT WAIT, he really didn’t ban drilling for oil in the Gulf at all, he just banned AMERICA’S drilling in the Gulf. The fact is he sent 2 billion American taxpayer dollars to MEXICO so they can drill in the Gulf and he sent 2 billion more of our taxpayer-dollars to Brazil’s oil drilling giant (Petrobras) so THEY could drill offshore. Yes, offshore.
You see, offshore drilling in America - bad. Offshore drilling in Brazil - good. (And that Brazilian deepwater well that just came in was at 15,000 feet - far deeper than the BP well that exploded.) Does that make sense to you if he REALLY is trying to "protect the environment"? Well that all depends.
Let’s go back to wealth redistribution for a minute. America sends about $700 billion dollars each and every year to third world nations for oil. We don’t drill and they do drill so we don’t have what we need and they do have it so they can sell it to us and we have to buy it with our "wealth" and so we get oil from them and they MONEY from us! See how it works?
Now look at Mexico and Brazil. They are major suppliers of oil to the United States. And they represent Central and South American countries that are very poor. So, by giving them our money to help they discover more sources of oil, we strengthen them. By banning oil drilling in our best spots in America, we weaken America. (And trust me, all those "green" jobs and those "new" sources of energy are all basically bull: for the next two decades our quarter-billion combustion engine vehicles are going to need oil! And your President and his backers know that very well even as they try to kid the American people.)
Therefore, over the next decade we will have to buy more and more foreign oil and we will turn to Mexico and Brazil (among other third world nations) as our principle suppliers. Oops, there goes more American dollars out the window flying out to poor nations. And that's how they will redistribute America's wealth. You see the profits from the sale of oil are large and they can be reinvested in the country that SELLS the oil, not the country that buys it. So those reinvestments create new jobs, greater prosperity and increased competition for markets. All good for them - bad for us.
And what do we get? bippity - boopity – boo – we get the redistribution of our wealth!
Now do you get it??? (Throw in Venezuela another of our top oil suppliers and look what you have. As much as one trillion dollars a year - every year – flying out of our country when it could be here creating jobs and engendering prosperity. But no, that isn’t what our world-citizen President wants (no matter what he tells you). He wants just the opposite. He wants everyone in the world to have the same thing. Now altruistically, that's not a bad thing. It was the reason they tried communism in Russia and China and had to kill - KILL - over 50 million of their citizens in the last century.
No matter the dead Russians and Chinese, the system failed as it always fails. Communism fails totally and socialism is right behind it. It doesn't work because people work best when they work for themselves and their families and they work least when they work for their government. And in both system, the government pretty much owns everything.
It never worked before and it won't work now. That is not the way to help the poor.
Destroying America will do nothing but kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for the rest of the world. When crisis strikes, who do they turn to first? Who is the first to offer aid and assistance? Do you know in the Haiti earthquake, America gave over 100 million dollars while China - a buslting economy - gave about 1 million total. Did you know that?
America is the most generous and supportive country in the world. If we go, if we are too poor or too weak to step up, who do you think will take our place???
As an example of what I am talking about, look at this: Mexico and Venezuela, thanks to oil exports, have per capita income of around $14,000.00 in 2009. That’s up considerably over the past decade. Brazil lags behind at less than $5,000.00 per capita but it too has improved with increased oil exports. As we buy more from them (remember Petrobras?) their standard of living will continue to rise as ours continues to recede.
America is typical of Caucasian-majority countries. The per capita income in America for 2009 was about $39,000.00 and you can see there’s a lot there to redistribute. Same with England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands et al. They all have high per capita incomes. African countries and countries in South America do not. Many Arab countries that also export lots of oil, have great wealth but the money is not shared with their people, it rests with the rulers. Therefore, any money redistributed from America to those countries through oil sales, rather than raise the standard of living of their people, will simply add to the riches the rulers already have. But that still won't help us.
So now you should be able to see what's going on. Today, America imports most of its oil from five countries of which Mexico and Nigeria are two. In the rest of the top fifteen are Venezuela, Columbia, Brazil, and Ecuador.
I believe we intend to do as much buying of oil from those countries and countries on the African contient as we can in order to raise their standard of living as much as possible.
You do the math.
PS Although oil is the main vehicle for wealth redistribution today, there are other products which can reap the same results. Any product for which a DEMAND can be created in America but which can be produced more cheaply outside of America, is a tool for wealth redistribution. That includes solar panels, electric cars, batteries just as it already includes things like televisions, cell phones, electronic gadgets - all made elsewhere and sold here. Where are the jobs? The jobs are ELSEWHERE!