Mexico - The Danger Below.
Mexico - The Danger Below.
The real danger facing America might not be Iraq or Afghanistan but it may be Mexico. What’s Going On In Mexico And Why It Is A Threat To All Of Us.
Something is dead wrong south of the border. Mexico is falling into a depression. The reasons have a lot to do with us and the consequences may be dire. Let’s take a look.
First, the tourist industry has gone into reverse. They can’t give hotel rooms away. This is, in part, due to the failing world economy but it is made worse by Mexico’s collapsing government. The country is becoming lawless. Did you know that in the recent past, some seventy Americans – both men and women – went to Mexico and never came home again? Americans, particularly young women, are in grave danger down there.
Second, the loss of revenue from the United States. Remember all those immigrants that flooded America for jobs? Well, when they found jobs they sent money back home every month for their families. So much money that it became Mexico’s second leading source of income – billions every month. With the recession in America, those jobs have dried up, many of those poor Mexicans have gone home, and the money flow has ended. Back home, these people instead of contributing to the Mexican economy, become a drain on it since they need assistance to survive. So Mexico has suffered a double hit there.
Third, Mexican oil. Mexico produces a lot of oil. It is America’s second biggest supplier right behind Canada. Bul three things have happened to the oil industry that have adversely affected Mexico: (1) cars are getting better mileage (2) people are driving less and (3) the price of oil has gone down. This has caused severe financial shock to the Mexican government and that now threatens the stability of the whole country. Why does this matter to us? Because if the Mexican Government becomes non-functional, a power vacuum will be created and whoever fills that vacuum controls the country, the oil, and the border. The most obvious people to fill that vacuum are the drug lords. And if they do, no matter if they use bribery or intimidation, that spells a lot of problems for us - two thousand miles of problems.
In addition to all this, American corporations have invested a lot of money in Mexico and any losses down there will affect the parent companies back here in America. Equally important is the fact that the American manufacturing capability in Mexico is a significant portion of America’s total manufacturing capability, so losing that will also be a blow to our economy and our industrial base. I am afraid we have painted ourselves into a very tight corner with nowhere to go. We are sadly, a lot more vulnerable than we ever were before in our history. Drug lords controlling Mexico will exacerbate all those problems.
Because of its economic problems, the Mexican government is losing control of the country to the drug cartels. Today, the only consistent money coming in to the country is coming from drug sales. Drugs seem to be a recession proof business. Cartels can still sell all the drugs they can smuggle into America. Such an event would be a catastrophe for us. With so much money in the hands of the Cartels and so little in the hands of the government, the government will find it can no longer pay for certain vital services – police, fire, health care - which will cost them the loyalty of those employees. Think of the police having to skip paychecks because the government is out of money. Think of fireman who can’t respond because there is no money. What would happen if a drug boss came along and offered to ‘help an officer out’ in exchange for a small favor or two? Or pay the fireman as a “public service”. Or what if they “helped out” a military commander or two? Money has a very loud voice and the possibility of corruption is everywhere.
(To cut them off at the post, America may want to consider legalizing the growing and distribution of marijuana in the United States. It would cut the heart out of the drug cartels and give the legitimate Mexican Government a hand up. If we don’t want to do that, we’d better get ready for war because it won’t be long before it will be necessary for us to invade Mexico in order to restore some legitimacy to its Government. We cannot allow an outlaw state to exist on our border. And if you think this is an exaggeration, remember what happened in Columbia a few years ago before we stepped in. And Columbia is much smaller than Mexico and they are not on our border.)
Some years ago, the US government, in its infinite wisdom, provided weapons and training for Osama bin Laden’s fighters to help them fight the Russians. The fighters were known as The Mujahadden. At the time, it seemed like a good idea. As it turned out, it was not. Osama became our enemy and used what we gave him, against us.
Now we’ve done it again. This time it’s in Mexico. Recently, we trained an elite group of military men known as Los Zetas to prop up the government in its on-going battle with the drug cartels. The Los Zetas were trained to be the swat team for the Mexican government, the quick response unit. But guess what happened on the way to the beach? The Mexican government got weaker and less well financed, and the drug cartels got stronger and much better-financed, so the cartels were able to recruit a number of the American-trained Los Zetas as mercenaries to recruit and train their own fighters. Sound familiar? Today, the cartels are challenging the government on many fronts. There are, in fact, entire areas of the country where the cartels, not the government, are in charge. How far this can go is anybody’s guess but the cartels are accumulating money and power while the government is struggling to hold on.
How’s that for a potential problem? Drug lords free of restraint, loaded with money, with their own military trained in the United States, and armed with the best and most expensive equipment available and without government opposition, able to operate with impunity along the entire 2,000 miles of American border. If that doesn’t send chills down your spine, you aren’t paying attention.
And how about this: Mexico is our second biggest supplier of oil thanks to American environmentalists who have hurt this country more than they can possibly know. Because we have let our own vast deposits go untapped, we are at the mercy of foreign oil and that includes Canada and Mexico. Any attack on those pipelines could bring our industry and our vehicles to an overnight halt. The oil we need comes from other places and they, not we, control their security. What we have is what we get from Alaska and that’s about it. We have let these goofballs stop our production at the worst time possible. And keep this firmly in mind, no matter what you hear about alternative fuel, oil is what makes this country go and oil is what is going to continue making this country go for at least two more decades. Everything else is small potatoes. So by listening to this global warming nonsense and all this green nonsense, we are very possibly going to see extremely difficult times in America. Remember, without oil we become an overnight disaster. With so much terrorism and so much eco-terrorism why do we put into office people that are truly uninformed.
Not many years ago during the depression, the city of Chicago fell into the hands of Al Capone and the Mafioso. Booze was king and Capone was the King of Booze. So he had pockets full of money when nobody else had much. Capone began to ‘help out’. He gave money to cops, to detectives, to reporters and to judges. After a while, he owned the cops, the detectives, the reporters and the judges. In fact, he owned the city, lock stock and judges.
I point this out because it happened here and it can happen just as easily in Mexico.
What eventually brought Al down, was the non-corrupt US Federal Government, not the State of Illinois. Well bad news, kids, Mexico has no such Federal Government to step in, so, we may have to do it for them. Should we? Why not? It really is our problem. Were it not for our drug lust, the cartels would be out of business.
As the number of individual Mexican officials taking drug money increases (as it will), the drug lords will acquire more and more power and influence. In essence, they will become the real government of the country. And remember, if challenged in Mexico, the drug lord can make a fine argument to his Mexican friends: “if Americans want to buy drugs and we have those drugs to sell, why is it we should not benefit from their vice?”
It’s a strong argument and truly, I am not sure how to answer it. I can see where Mexicans who are hungry, or whose families are hungry, would find it all but impossible to deny. They are under no obligation to save Americans from their own stupidity. (Read, “Is It Time For America To Consider Legalizing Drugs?” on this blog.)
Update: January 28, 2009 – The head of a Mexican police chief was delivered to his colleagues in an ice box in the country's latest drug-related violence. The incident came as 16 other people were also killed in Mexico's northern state of Chihuahua in attacks the authorities believe are linked to the country's drug wars.
In the past, drug cartels in Central America have killed cops, reporters and high-ranking officials often without consequences. Now it is happening in Mexico. We can not let it happen. We cannot sit idly by and watch while the Mexican government topples. Mexico is much too close, too big, and shares too many miles of common border with us to be left to its own devices. Nor should we forget that they are our number two supplier of oil.
As for Mexican officials, don’t expect them to fight the drug lords alone. Who would there be who could stand up to them and live even if he tried? Who would be safe from their vengeance? Whose family would be safe? As long as Americans must have their drugs, the drug lords will have the cash needed to corrupt the system. So you might say we are at fault. And you would be right if you did.
This could get ugly. The cartels are mean, murderous, and well funded. And our borders are hardly well maintained. Somewhere in the Pentagon war room, I hope they are drafting plans for a military excursion deep inside Mexico.
Two years ago, the drug cartels made a run at the Mexican government. With our help, the government survived. Remember items like this?
“Fourteen assassinations attributed to narco gangs were carried out May 20 in Mexico City, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Guerrero, Sinaloa and Oaxaca. Additionally, federal army troops exchanged fire with 20 gunmen with AR-15 automatic rifles, bullet-proof vests and uniforms of the Federal Agency of Investigation (AFI) at a checkpoint on the Apatzingán-El Alcalde road in Michoacán.”
Jan 15, 2009 by Mica Rosenberg
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Corrupt officials inside Mexico's security forces have leaked U.S. anti-drugs intelligence directly to drug traffickers to help them escape raids, a senior U.S. law enforcement agent said. A recent anti-corruption sweep showed the infiltration of Mexican police forces had reached alarming levels, with several high-ranking investigators and a presidential guardsman arrested for selling information to drug cartels.
The Democratic Party wanted illegals here so they left our borders open. The did that to foster a one-party America. President Obama still says he wants open borders. If he insists on that, he and his party are making a mistake the likes of which they will regret for years to come. Sadly, so will we.
We must seal our borders and do so with troops. Armed military units. We need to secure those borders for the entire 2,000 miles. It will require a lot of money and a lot of resources but it must be done Either that or let’s just invade the country and take down the war lords. If we make up our mind to do it, we can. But the picture I have in my mind is not a pretty one. I see our brave soldiers defending the border with hoards of Americans behind them, crowding them, with their hands out begging for drugs. Sickening isn’t it.
But it may happen and it may end up with two nations confronting one another. Once the Mexican people come to realize that drug sales are keeping them alive, they will fight to protect their source of income. We might see corrupt units of the Mexican army defending the Mexican smugglers against us. Drug runners will cross the border, do what they have to do, and then retreat into Mexico where, if we try to follow, we will confronted by these elements of the Mexican army. It could become another Cambodia.
You remember Cambodia, don’t you? North Vietnam planes would fly into Cambodia and then into south Viet Nam. They would then engage in air combat or bomb our forces and when beaten, scuttle back across the border. We called them “hit and run” attacks.
Our democratic president, Lyndon Johnson, prevented our planes from crossing the Cambodian border in hot pursuit thereby allowing the North Vietnamese pilots to escape to return another day.
It was devastating, at least until Richard Nixon decided he had enough. Nixon removed the safe haven restriction and instructed our flyers to follow hostile aircraft into Cambodia in hot pursuit. That ended that little farce.
Of course the Democrats sucked their pacifiers and shouted how terrible this was and how terrible we were, and how we were violating the sacred borders of Cambodia, the Geneva Conference and the Holy Bible. They always do that. They whine like babies.
Fortunately, Nixon ignored them and let his order stand and that ended the threat. The North Vietnamese air force stopped using Cambodia as a “safe house” and the Democrats predictably ripped into Richard Nixon for exposing them for what they were.
Nixon had the nerve and he had right on his side. But he was roundly criticized by the liberal media and the Democratic party. But not by me. I thanked him for two things: (1) being strong enough and smart enough to attack the enemy where he was and (2) having the guts to stare down those wimps in the other party. Eventually, Nixon was out and we ran from Viet Nam like scared rabbits, leaving behind almost TWO MILLION South Vietnamese who worked with us, to die at the hands of the North Vietnamese murderers. The Democrats should hang their heads for that one.
This withdrawal was not because we had been beaten, it was because we cut and ran. We quit under pressure. And who was it that quit? The party that almost always quits: the Democratic Party. Remember Harry Reid two years ago telling President Bush ‘the Iraq war is over, we lost and you just won’t admit it.” Harry the wimp, I call him. But Harry is typical of Democrats. Just read your history. The are the best at cutting-and-running and the worst at fighting for what they believe in. Not ordinary patriotic Democrats of course – just the politicians they put into office.
Back to Mexico. This is the problem that is developing south of us. And remember, thanks to our national policies, Texas is now over 40% Mexican. California is about the same. New Mexico is about the same. Arizona isn’t far behind. Those four states have a combined population of about sixty million people and if 40% are Mexicans – legal and illegal - then we have twenty four million Mexicans living in those four Border States. If Mexicans were fighting Americans, no matter who the Mexicans might be, where would their loyalties lie? After all, they are Mexican and only recently removed from Mexico. Many of them are here just for a job and Mexico is still their homeland. So, what side would they be on because if they sided with the drug runners, they would constitute a huge Fifth Column right here in America and that could be deadly. We are not talking about a few hundred people here, we are talking about twenty four million of them, many only recently removed from the mother country.
Do you know that the local governments in some Texan communities along the Rio Grande today forbid government employees from cooperating with the U.S. Immigration Service? And they get away with it. That’s true. Just as happened in San Francisco. In recent years, a weak federal government has allowed America to splinter into pockets of anarchy with regard to immigration policy and now we may have to pay for that mistake.
For all these reasons, Americans in Texas are facing a major upheaval. Of the 2,000 miles of border, about 1,400 are in Texas. Policing that much open territory is almost impossible for Texas alone; yet, the Federal Government does almost nothing to help. Now, with Obama and the Democrats owning our government, and being in favor of open borders (not living anywhere near the border, of course), what is the future for cities like El Paso or Houston?
South Texas is facing a war on its border. If the United States government isn’t strong enough or willing enough to help them, the “Texicans” might just as well secede from the Union. Texas joined the Union as a Republic – the only State to have that distinction – so I guess if they have to face this mess alone, they might as well be on their own. What do they need Washington for? It’s a long way from D.C. to Texas.
The same trouble although a bit less imminent, can be found in New Mexico, Arizona and California. California is coming unglued they are so certifiable. They let any in, now they have huge un-American gangs in all their cities. The new “Californians” need free everything so the state gave it to them and now the state is dead broke. And what do their new citizens do? They riot. And as I mentioned, forget academic achievement in California. The once proud state – with Republicans running the show – lead America is elementary and secondary educational achievements. They were Number One. Then the liberals too over, the jackasses who can’t see beyond their noses. Liberals who made fun of our moral codes, who ridiculed our troops, who gave us the very open, very brazen, very drug oriented and gay city on the Bay – they gave us all that is wrong with that state and now, the state if bankrupt morally and financially. It is not even an American state anymore. As to academics, they should be congratulated. They are now next to last in the United States is test scores. NEXT TO LAST and next year, they will be dead last. So much for liberals and what they know about government. Oh yes, you just put them in total charge of the US government – all three houses. Way to go America. You want the entire country to become California?. You got it. Read it and weep.
You can’t leave your doors and windows open and let people come into your home without knowing who they are, and what they have in mind for you. It’s a lot easier to let them in then to get them back out. Suckers. Wait until you see what you have done to this once great nation that is now in its death throes. Can’t you see what they have done to you and to me and to the America we loved? The beacon of hope and light around the world. Do you think we stand for those same things today? The other day a teenaged girl went into an abortion clinic to abort her child. Somehow the abortion didn’t work and the girl actually gave birth to a living baby. The attendant too the baby, cut the umbilical chord, pout the paper in a plastic bag and threw it in the trash. And I doubt any of our liberal newspapers even carried it. They are totally dishonest and corrupt now. They print only what serves their purpose. This story didn’t serve their purpose, hence you didn’t get to read it much.
Iraq just completed a successful free election, the second one in the history of that country. Imagine, for forty years, they were in control of a murderous despot and now today, just six years after we went in, they have free elections and the despot is gone. We should be proud of what we have accomplished. So, did you hear anything much about this grand accomplishment? Read about it on the front pages of our newspapers. No, you didn’t? Of course you didn’t, they didn’t print it. It doesn’t serve the liberal interest and so they ignore it. They aren’t reporters anymore. They aren’t journalists. They don’t tell the truth. They all have a political agenda. To make the nation an image of San Francisco. And you let it happen. Foolish you. And all the time, they favored illegal immigrants and open borders.
Are you getting the picture? This is not a problem between governments or nations, this is a problem between a divided, confused America and gangs of drug running monsters, murderers, and criminals crossing our border freely to terrorize our fellow Americans and to smuggle in drugs. And willing to kill anyone who gets in their way. Think not? Then take a moment to find out what’s going on just across the border. Maybe it isn’t getting much press but it’s a horror in the making. Somebody better pay attention soon.
Murders in Mexico are like a plague, bodies found everywhere tied and gagged with warnings to people that would get in the way of the drug lords. The public is intimidated, the police are intimated, the press is intimidated and now they are after government officials. They are flush with power and arrogance and that is going to be one hell of a problem for us. And Mr. Obama (and his fellow Democrats) talk about ‘open borders’? If it weren’t so deadly serious, it would be funny.
In Mexico today, anyone who gets in the way of the drug lords, dies. And that includes reporters, police, and officials. Once the cartels solidify control over significant parts of the country, all hell is going to break out - on both sides of the border. They are going to have an army and not one that plays by the rules. And remember, those Mexicans living along the border on the American side are going to be pawns in all this. They are going to be called upon to help the Mexicans against the Americans. Even if the Mexicans are drug runners. And if they should decide they don’t want to help? They will be reminded they still have families back in Mexico in harm’s way. They will do as they are told.
We have created a huge problem, one with no easy solution in sight. The Mexican drug lords don’t care one whit how many people they kill or they cause to get killed, they will just buy more and more poverty-stricken Mexicans to fight for them. Sometimes we will stop them, other times they will get through. The more that get through, the stronger and more powerful the cartels will get. This is going to be a border war. All because Democrats wouldn’t do what common sense told us all had to be done – secure our borders. Now we are facing a war – and very possible a second invasion of Mexico.
So what can we do about this brewing mess? And when do we do it? Well if we can prop up the Mexican government, that would help. But do we have the resources, the money, the will? That government is anything but strong. And if we decide to help them, will the Democrats go along? If they do, it will be the first time. Democrats are not really visionaries. They work better from behind.
But somebody better to do it because this is one problem that isn’t going away. And the longer we wait – the more Mexicans we have here - the more potential allies the drug lords are going to have all along the border. It’s a situation fraught with unbelievable peril for America.
We need a stable Mexican government. The one they have is collapsing. We better help them and help them right now. If we don’t soon intrude in their affairs in one big hurry, it will be too late. The fact is, it may already be too late.
And here’s something else to consider. If the drug cartels in Mexico win control of big parts of their country, with their money and their paramilitary, they can act as a conduit for drugs from Central America, thru Mexico, and into the United States, all up and down those 2,000 rugged miles.
I mentioned before what I think may be the easiest and best solution for right now. Just legalize pot and let it be a controlled business. License growers and distributors (like state stores) and tax the sales. If people want to use pot that badly, let them. It will cut the heart out of the drug trade and end up saving a lot of money and a lot of lives. Might as well get it done. Our options are very limited.
And for those of you who wanted open borders, who saw Mexicans as poverty-stricken workers just wanting to come to America to breathe free and work, to harvest crops, cut your lawns and paint your houses and clean your pools, you are about to find out what fools you really were. You could have exercised just a little common sense and made sure of who you were letting in and why they wanted to come here. Sadly, you didn’t and now you may have to pay a price for that. And who will pay? Well all Americans of course will pay to some degree but those of you in the Southwest and along the border have the most to fear. You have invited a lot of trouble into your homes. Unless by some stroke of magic, the situation in Mexico completely reverses itself, we are going to find many of those humble Mexican workers that are here, cooperating with the drug lords. Armed with money, power, guns and a heart filled with hate and malice toward America, the drug overlords are going to wreck havoc with the loser-gringo, drug-obsessed, ugly Americans. If you aren’t sure who that is – that is you.
For those of you who really thought it could never happen here because you were so filled with worldwide tolerance, good will and understanding for the immigrant worker, you are about to find out just how wrong you were, and just how ugly this world can really be. And if you live along the border where most of the violence will be centered, you better ask God to help you because I am not sure your government can, or will. You have heard of ‘border wars’ in the past. I fear we have a big one coming in the near future. Only then it was about ‘cows’, now it is about drugs. Prepare for it.
Just as we lock your doors and windows when we go to bed at night to protect our families, and ourselves so should we have secured our borders to protect our nation. We didn’t and now we are sharing our country with people that want to do us harm. Big time. Whether they are terrorists who hate America or criminals or drug runners - they still want to do us serious harm. And we let them in, goofy, silly, unrealistic people that we are, we opened our doors and let them walk in.
So, the fat, as they say, is in the fire. I am sure the majority of the newcomers – whether legal or illegal – don’t wish us harm. And they therefore are not the problem. The problem is the others who we could have weeded out, but didn’t. They are the problem and a big one. They wish us harm and they are the ones we need to worry about. And there are a lot of them hiding in that twenty-four million.
And as I pointed out earlier, even those that might not wish us harm, may be forced to aid and abet the drug lords. Most of them have families still in Mexico and they can be used to intimidate anyone here that the cartels need or want as allies. Those who are here will do as they are told to protect those left behind. That kind of intimidation has always worked well and it will again.
We have dug a big hole for ourselves by listening to those who thought they knew better, but didn’t. Now we need to do what we can to deal with the situation. I suggest we (1) turn our attention southward (2) help the Mexican government to survive (3) offer whatever military assistance the Mexican government needs and (4) immediately secure our borders.
If we act fast enough, we may be able to shortcut the disaster that is looming. But we don’t have much time. The Mexican government is under such severe pressure that the harm done now may never be reversed.
And that will be to America’s disadvantage.
Nations collapse when their citizens lose the will to fight for what they believe in. Today, Americans have no idea what they believe in. They can’t. Every time they think they know, someone tells them they are terribly wrong. And the majority then throws in the towel and sits back down.
And that my friends is how you lose. Winners never sit back down.
Make no mistake about it, the current Administration in Washington D.C. is as anti-capitalist, anti-business and anti-American as I ever seen and it is because of these attitudes that American businesses have all but shut down in the past year.
The unemployment rate that was 5.8% in 2008 has mushroomed to over 10.0% in 2010 with the end not yet in view and that is due primarily to their politics. They have created a distrustful and pessimistic business climate through their ideology and utter incompetence and as a result America teeters on the verge of financial insolvency.
Certainly Democrats blame Republicans for these problems and I supposed they have contributed to them, but in the main they are the result of this administration’s poor performance and ideological bent.
Social Security, Medicare, and the New Health Care Program
Entitlements have created most of our huge national debt and continue to push us deeper into debt. With the advent of the new Health Care Program, this is only going to get worse. Things like Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security are draining our economy at an alarming rate and it must be corrected if we are to survive.
Entitlements were originally conceived to create a floor under our society not a ceiling but today they have both become anomalies inasmuch as those who need help the least get the most while those who need help the most get the least. The reason for this is obvious: those who get the most put in the most and those that get the least put in the least. But that makes them like savings plans rather than entitlement programs and that’s not what they were intended to be. Therefore, changes are needed and they won’t be well received. But we need them anyway – no matter how much it hurts. We take a little pain now or a great deal of pain later. That’s our choice. With that, I begin.
To begin with, let’s expose a number of very irresponsible and ill-considered ideas:
(1) That each of us lives in this world alone and is responsible only to himself for survival;
(2) That we need not care about others as long as we take care of what’s ours;
(3) That we are not so much a part of a society as we are individual self-sufficient units and not our brother’s keepers;
(4) That we have pulled ourselves up by our own bootstraps and owe nothing to anyone; or that
(5) Our only duty is to our friends, our families, and ourselves.
That is all absolute nonsense.
To begin with, none of us lives in this world alone and we are all responsible for [and dependent on] lots of other people for our own survival. Another way to say it is that no man is an island. Like it or not we all in this together. No matter how you “pulled yourself up by the bootstraps”, you didn’t do it alone – you couldn’t have done it alone.
For example, you go to the store and buy food but for that food to be there, others had to struggle to raise it, harvest it, process it, transport it, and then staff the store where you can buy it. Without the combined efforts of all those people, there would have been no food there for you to buy.
Your house catches on fire. Are you going to run out with a bucket of water and splash it on the flames to save your home or are you going to call the fire department? Obviously you are going to call the fire department. And who is going to respond? Will it be just your friends and your family members? No, firemen – people that you don’t know - are going to respond. And who are those firemen? Well, they are working guys who are paid to perform this vital function on your behalf. They are members of the society who have come to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. IF you lived alone on a mountaintop, your house would burn to the ground and maybe your family would die. But you don’t. You live in the arms of a collective society and that society provides collective services for everyone’s good.
Ever wake up in the middle of the night and swear you hear a noise downstairs? You are sure someone is in your home – the home where your wife and kids are sleeping? Do you get out a baseball bat and go down to do battle with the invader(s) one-on-one or one-on-two? I hope not. A better and safer idea is to pick up your cell and call 9-1-1- for help and hope to God the help gets there in time to save you and your family from harm.
Those are a few examples of what this society does for you. There are many others. For example have you or one of your loved ones ever found yourself seriously ill and rushed to an ER? If so, once you arrived, did you not find a dedicated group of working people there ready to take care of you or your distressed loved one? Of course you did. Society provided them. Just as it provides doctors and nurses for our health care when needed.
Do you drive? Fine and do you ever think of the number of people that contributed to making that car available for you to buy? There are too many of them to mention here but they include people from all walks of life and all income levels. Without them there would be no car for you to buy no matter how much money you have.
My point is that you are not in this by yourself. It is not you against the world. You are not the only one responsible for your current status no matter who you are, or what it is that you do. Even if you attended a University to acquire the knowledge that you used to become successful many dedicated people at that University had to be there to help you along the way.
The truth is that we are all mutually dependent one upon the other and though some are more privileged and others less so, we each need and depend on one another for our very existence. We are indeed our brothers’ keepers.
Which brings me belatedly to my subject which is our failing economy and our national debt and our imminent collapse as a nation and what we may have to do to save our society for ourselves and our children. After all, we do want to give to them what was given to us, don’t we? We want to give them a shot at a happy life, don’t we? Of course we do. Well then, it’s time to make some hard decisions. I am confident we can summon the will to do so.
There are two steps we must take to begin to right our ship: (1) we must reduce government spending no matter how hard that is and (2) we must increase revenues and use that money to pay down our national debt no matter how hard that is.
Let us begin with a look at our principle entitlement programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They are our biggest problems today and will be even worse tomorrow with the new Health Care Program. I can imagine how many of you are going to react to what I am about to say but that doesn’t matter because I can’t see any other way to accomplish what we have to accomplish - so here goes:
(1) Establish a means test for all entitlements. While everyone must contribute during their working years, sadly not everyone can take out when they retire. Nor does everyone have to take out when they retire. These programs should serve those in need and not be treated as national savings programs, which they are not.
(2) Eliminate the maximum cap for FICA withholding during the year.
(3) Extend the age for retirement and Medicare by another 2 years.
(4) Get the federal government out of the business of business.
(5) Reduce all government staffing by 5% a year for three consecutive years. *
(6) Reduce government wages by 5% a year for three consecutive years. *
(7) Pass the Presidential line-item veto.
(8) Pass legislation limiting the number and dollar amount of “earmarks” any legislator can request during one full term based on the size of the population district he or she represents.
(9) Encourage the formation of more open-to-the-public health care clinics in distressed neighborhoods.
(10) Make changes to our “welfare” system to reduce systemic abuses.
(11) Pass a flat tax to replace the income tax.
Here are some suggestions to accomplish these difficult tasks:
The problems with our economy seem to be magnifying daily. They are now beyond special interest payoffs. They are beyond politics. They are beyond taking care of your support base or even your campaign contributors. It is now about our future as a nation and the future of our children. In all my 80 years, this is the worst mess I have ever seen. And it’s not over yet, not even close. Soon, another explosion in real estate will hit us, this time commercial real estate like shopping malls. Their ARM’s are coming due. When that hits us this spring (2010), it will cause still another blow to our ailing economy.
We must do something now so here are a few suggestions that might help:
1. Option #1. Continue unemployment compensation until the unemployment rate gets down to 6.5%. In the interim, introduce legislation encouraging out-of-work people to take jobs even for less money that their compensation check offering to issue them a check for the difference. This should be a three-year program so as to give workers a chance to adjust to lower paying jobs and perhaps earn an increase. As a by-product this will reduce government unemployment payments by as much as 75% for each worker that elects to avail himself of this offer.
2. Option 2. Allow those who are receiving workman’s compensation checks (usually about 40% of their former income) to work in part time jobs and earn up to 1/3 of the amount of their compensation check without affecting their eligibility. This will help them to meet their bills.
3. Re-introduce the old “Schedule-G” type IRS allowance for income averaging going back three calendar years for businesses and the last three years of employment for individuals. For individuals, if their average income for the last three years of employment is greater than the current year, the difference will be subtracted from the current year’s AGI. This is directed at those who have lost their jobs and had to take new jobs for less money. It will help them over the adjustment period.
4. Establish a 3-year program where lenders earn a .05% tax credit on each new or re-refinanced mortgage they issue at a 4.5%. This reduced interest rate will help the real estate market for new home sales as well as prevent foreclosures by lowering carrying charges. It will also have the effect of revitalizing the economy permanently because refinancing of existing mortgages at the lower rate will put more money into the economy on a monthly recurring basis unlike one-time spending from a stimulus check. Speaking of stimulus payments, let’s have one more for $600.00 per family. BUT – and this is a big but – it will not be cash. This must be in the form of a purchase VOUCHER. The vouchers will have a 120 day expiration date and will be transferable (we don’t care). However, the vouchers can only be used for the purchase of LOCAL services and/or the purchase of durable goods that are manufactured in the United States. (Not “Made in America” because that includes Canada and Mexico.)
5. GAMBLING. Hundreds of billions of dollars are now being spent in Casinos around the country and that money is ruining local businesses everywhere. They say “oh yes, but look at all the people we employ”. That’s true but it would be well to remember taking billions out of local economies and from small local businesses causes lost jobs in those businesses which more than offset the increase inside the Casinos. Plus the money spent with local businesses has a residual affect among their suppliers that is not present to the same degree when the money is spent in a Casino. It’s time to ask ourselves what kind of society we want to be. Once we limited Casinos to remote locales where people vacationed. That was much better than what our shortsighted states are doing now in their misdirected quest for tax money. You can’t build a healthy society with Casinos on damn near every street corner (and yes, I do gamble). We need to return to the old way.
6. Online Shopping: This is another attack on our local communities. With no need to maintain attractive stores in local neighborhoods, or hire local employees, online marketers can offer products cheaper. We buy them and that takes business from our local entrepreneurs causing them to shut down with a resultant loss of local jobs. Soon our downtown areas become blighted as local money flees the local community. This is not going to work. Having a vibrant, orderly local society provides it own reward. I propose we increase the taxes on profits from out of town (or at least out of state) marketers in order to level the playing field. We need to reinforce our communities. When communities collapse, nations collapse. If we are a society and not just a bunch of moneymakers, we need our local communities to remain viable and to achieve that, we need our local businesses to be successful. It is committing suicide for us to be so generous with out-of-town marketers whether they are from another country or just online.
7. The world is shrinking. We can’t stop that. But it is also causing us a giant problem: we have to compete with cheap foreign labor and nations that have no environmental laws, no health insurance mandates, no unemployment insurances and no labor laws. All these regulations tend to increase business costs so the lack of them decreases costs and that allows them to lower their prices and undercut our businesses that are faced with all those costs. So what do we do? There are two possible answers: (1) find ways to help our companies and (2) impose duties on imports based on the direct labor costs of the products being imported. I have never supported duties before but today, I think I would. We import so much more than we export that duties can only help. So they have become a short-term viable option. Now, here are some other ideas that might also be of help.
8. Reduce corporation tax rates based on the number of workers employed in the United States as a percentage of this company’s worldwide employment. The more Americans you employ here, the less tax you pay.
9. Immediately transfer 3 billion dollars from the unspent stimulus money to the SBA for DIRECT loans to small businesses for startup or expansion. This is NOT to be a minority welfare handout, this is to be a sound business program lending money to entrepreneurs with going businesses or business experience married to a sound business proposal. I repeat: this is not to be another welfare program handout.
10. Encourage Americans to buy products manufactured in America wherever possible. Public service ads explaining why they should might help.
11. Increase the minimum wage by $1.00 / hour.
GOVERNMENT vs THE PRIVATE SECTOR: The workers doing the best these days are government workers. They make twice as much money on average as the people who pay them - the taxpayers – and they have better health insurance and better pensions. Plus they actually work 1.8 hours less a day than their civilian counterparts.
There is a reason that of the 10% of American workers that are unionized, 70% work for non-profits (that’s a joke) or for the Government (a bigger joke). Can you tell me who represents the taxpayers in wage negotiations between government managers and government workers? Both are using OUR money so where is our seat at the table and where is the incentive to increase productivity or lower payroll or install cost cutting measures on the part of these government workers?
The more people that we put to work in government in America, the more certain we are of failure. The sector that pays the bills should be the biggest by far and the sector that spends the money that creates this debt needs to be as small as possible. So why are we all so hell bent to increase the size of the spenders (government) at the expense of those that produce (private sector)? Can you show me any country in the world that ever prospered with this philosophy?
It is past time to stop spending money like drunken sailors. We need to cut the size of government not expand it. We need to reduce payrolls in government. We need to cut back downtime and increase productivity. And we need to bring their benefits into line with what workers get in the private sector doing the same kind of work. Government is not SUPERIOR to the private sector it is INFERIOR. That’s why the private sector far out-produces government.
Working for the government is a great job. My friend has been working for a State government for 22 years now. He makes $100,000.00 doing a job that would get him about half that much in the private sector. He has a great pension plan and wonderful health insurance. All paid for by taxpayers who are not nearly so well off as he is. And do you know what he says to me? He says, “anyone who doesn’t work for the government is a sucker!” He’s obviously right. It is therefore past time to reign in the government. As defined earlier, it is time to reduce both staff and salaries for all government offices by 5% a year for the next three years.
We are in a real mess and it’s just getting worse. Confidence is the basic motor for an economy and that’s what we don’t have today. Our people rightfully have no confidence in the future and that’s sad. Well, other than people working for the government. They are so isolated from reality it’s not even funny. That’s because they really don’t have to worry about losing their job as the rest of us do. Sometimes I get so confused: who works for whom again?
I care about Americans and about America and I am prepared to throw anyone – ANYONE – out of office that doesn’t have the same priority that I have. Mine is SAVE AMERICA. It’s far and away the best country this world has ever seen even if half the Obama appointees don’t seem to know that. But that doesn’t matter because they aren’t going to be around much longer anyway. If they don’t change their ways, we are going to throw them all out of office ASAP.
Count on it.
Now for some recommendations concerning other vexing problems.
Welcome to Joey’s Newspage, where people come to exercise their minds
How Life Came To Planet Earth
In the Cosmos that engulfs us, there are upwards of a billion, trillion, trillion stars with almost as many planets. Do you know how many that is? Here’s how many that is: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars and planets. And that’s just the part we have seen to date.
You would be hard pressed to find many knowledgeable people that now believe that among all those trillions of planets, earth alone harbors intelligent life forms. It is far more likely that there are hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of such planets scattered across the great reaches of the limitless Cosmos.
But so what? The “Cosmos” in reality means very little to us. We are never going into outer space no matter what you hear and no one from outer space is coming here no matter what you hear. Therefore, to speak of the “Cosmos” is to speak of something that we know is there but is of little consequence to us in our daily lives.
The problem is the distances of the Cosmos. They are simply too vast, too limitless, too colossal to overcome by any means. Yes I know NASA talks like we are going to be headed into outer space any year now but that’s nonsense. We aren’t going any such place. What they say is mainly to replenish their budget so they can continue with their super expensive space toys. (For more on this subject, see my article titled: Space Exploration – A Journey to Nowhere”, elsewhere on this blog.)
Because manned space travel will be limited to our solar system, let’s concentrate on that. Let’s talk about life in our solar system. If something dramatic changes at some future point, we can expand the subject matter at that time.
Life as we know it exists today on Planet Earth. Earth is the only planet in our system that is suitable for it. The reason is fairly easy to comprehend: Mercury is far too close to the Sun and therefore too hot. Venus while not as close and not as hot, is still too close and too hot. Earth as Goldilocks would say is “not too close and not too far but just right” and therefore we have life. Mars is too far away from the Sun to significantly benefit from its warmth and therefore it is too cold for life. That is why there is no life there. (At least not life as we know it.)
It is therefore obvious that life depends on two sets of circumstances: (1) how far you are from the Sun and (2) how powerful are the Sun’s rays that reach you. The two are obviously co-dependent.
There are four planets that we call The Inner Planets (because they are closest to the Sun). They are of course Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These planets are (1) way too hot (2) too hot (3) just right and (4) way too cold for life. That’s because of (1) their distance from the Sun and (2) the strength of the Suns rays that reach them. Having made that point, I now begin this paper on life in the Solar system. What I am about to say is theory but I think it’s a theory makes a lot of sense.
In The Beginning:
Q. What is the sun? What fuel does it burn? Is the Sun’s fuel renewable? If not, how long will it last and what happens when it is gone?
A. The Sun is a star. A very small, out of the way star, one of billions of trillions and trillions of such Stars in the vast Cosmos.
A. The Sun is on fire. The substance that fuels the fire was created by a process known as nuclear fusion at the time the Sun was born (as a result of a Supernova).
A. The Sun’s fuel is finite, which means it is not renewable, which is to say one day it will run out. At the time the fire goes out, the heat and light that Earth receives from the Sun will come to an end and the Earth will die. Anyone living on the Earth will die with it but fear not, it is not likely that anyone will be here then anyway.
A. The Sun has an assumed lifetime of fifteen billion years. It was “born” about ten billion years ago; hence, we are two thirds of the way through the Sun’s life cycle. This means we are also two thirds of the way through the Sun’s fuel supply. Another way to say this is that the Sun is not what it used to be.
Stars like our Sun are all born and all die in the same way – as a gigantic, cataclysmic explosion in the heavens. They are born in a Supernova and when they exhaust their fuel, they die as a Supernova. That is their cycle of life and death.
Understanding all this is essential to understanding the theory I am about to present about the beginning of life on our Planet Earth.
Many of you reading this paper have a home with a fireplace. I wish to talk to you about that fireplace. But first, let me set the scene. You have a vacation home. Your vacation home is a hunting lodge in the Great northwoods of Canada. It’s cold night in the middle of December and you are there with guests. The night is bitter with a howling wind outside the cabin.
The cabin itself is large and comfortable with a big family room that has a big fireplace. As the night comes on, one of your guests suggests you all go into the family room and sit around a cozy fire. You agree so you retreat to the family room and go about the business of starting a fire in the fireplace. You take the logs that are stacked beside the fireplace, put them in, and in minutes you have a roaring fire going. The room quickly heats up.
Unfortunately, in your haste to get the fire going, you put on way too many logs and as a result, the room quickly becomes much too hot for comfort. It is obvious that you have given the fire too much fuel.
Rule 1: A fire is hottest when it has the most fuel available to burn.
Rule 2: A fire’s heat diminishes as its fuel is consumed if it is not replaced.
Rule 3. A fire goes out when the fuel is used up.
In your family room, your guests have quickly become uncomfortable. The room is just too hot and the closer they are to the fireplace, the hotter it is. If the fire is not banked or they don’t move back, they will all die of heat stroke. Since the fire cannot be banked, and you are not about to extinguish it, you suggest they all move to the far corner of the room as far from the fire as they can get. The follow your advice and move back and after relocating, they are quite comfortable.
But as the night progresses, three things happen: (1) the logs in the fireplace begin to burn down (2) the warmth from the fire starts to recede and (3) the back of the room that was formerly warm and cozy now begins to get downright chilly. Something will have to be done if they are to stay warm.
There are three choices. (1) You can all depart the family room and go to another part of the house (2) You can add more logs on the fire or (3) You all can move closer to the fire which should be warmer.
Since there are no more logs inside and it is way too cold to go outside, and your guests prefer to remain in the family room, you decide on Option #3 and ask your guests to move closer to the fire which they do. As a result, they are all comfortable again.
But the evening is long and the night is bitterly cold and as the logs continue to burn down which they must do, the problem resurfaces. The room is getting cold again.
Once again the guests have to make a choice and once again they chose to move closer to the fire.
Certainly moving closer to the fire again will work for a while but it isn’t a permanent solution because it’s only a matter of time until all the fuel is gone. At that time, the room will become too cold to occupy.
This is the dynamic upon which I have constructed my theory - The Theory of “The Progression of Life throughout Our Solar System”.
The Solar System
Our solar system consists of nine planets rotating in place as they circle the Sun. These planets are broken into two groups known as (1) the four inner planets and (2) the five outer planets. The outer planets are generally large concentrations of gas, and they don’t concern us. The inner planets however are rocky planets with a core like our own and it those that do concern us. They are (1) Mercury (2) Venus (3) Earth and (4) Mars.
At the present time, the planet Mercury, nearest the Sun, is the hottest of all the inner planets. Because of its proximity to the Sun, it is far too hot to shelter any living life form that is familiar to us.
Next in line from the Sun is the planet Venus. Venus, second from the Sun while not nearly as hot as Mercury, is still too hot to harbor familiar life forms.
The third planet from the Sun is Earth. Earth is far enough away from the Sun so that the Sun’s heat, while sufficient to warm us, is not excessive. Therefore life can and does exist on Planet Earth.
Mars, the fourth and last of the rocky planets is far beyond Earth. By the time the Sun’s ray’s reach Mars, there is little of heat left in them and so Mars is bitterly cold. Too cold for life as we know it.
So we see that life on a planet is dependent on the amount of heat and light that planet receives from the Sun. The amount of heat and light that a planet receives from the Sun is dependent on its distance from the Sun along with the power of the Sun’s rays. And the power of the Sun’s rays is dependent on the amount of fuel the Sun has left to burn.
Fact: (1) The strength of the Sun’s rays was greatest when the Sun was new and (2) the Sun is much less powerful today than it once was because a good portion of its fuel has been consumed.
As a result of this dynamic, all the inner planets are cooler than they once were. Mercury though still very hot is far less hot than it once was, Venus while still hot is cooler, Earth is cooler and now habitable and Mars is now too cold for life.
Here is a table demonstrating how the temperatures of the planets might have been affected by the amount of fuel remaining in the core of the Sun at any one time.
Planet When the Sun Today Tomorrow
_____________Was New __________________________(300 years)______
Mercury 1,300 degrees 900 degrees 500 degrees
Venus 900 degrees 500 degrees 100 degrees
Earth 500 degrees 100 degrees (-) 300 degrees
Mars 100 degrees (-) 300 degrees (-) 700 degrees
Note. These are not real temperatures. I am using them to demonstrate a theory.
You can see what I am driving at. Look at Mars. Back when the Sun was new (Column #1) and its core very hot, it’s heat radiated very far and the temperature on Mars was therefore much warmer than today. Mars was 100 degrees, perfect for life to have developed. The other three planets, however, were too hot.
Today (Column #2), when the Sun’s strength has diminished because of a reduction of available fuel, temperatures have gotten cooler on all the planets. Mars, which previously had temperatures of 100 degrees, has fallen now to minus a 300 degrees and is therefore far too cold for life. So, there is no longer life on Mars.
Mercury and Venus have also cooled down but they remain too hot for life, as we know it. But look now at Planet Earth.
Earth that was far too hot for life at the beginning (500 degrees) has cooled down to 100 degrees and is now life-friendly and so life had developed on Earth. And that is my theory: that life establishes itself wherever and whenever conditions are right.
Look again at Column #3. Tomorrow the Sun’s rays will be even weaker as more and more of the Sun’s fuel is gone. As a result of the diminishing fuel supply, each Planet will have cooled down even more, for example:
Mars, cold Today at minus 300, will be colder Tomorrow at minus 700.
Earth, moderate today at 100, will become life-unfriendly Tomorrow at minus 300. Venus, hot Today at 500, will become life-friendly Tomorrow at 100.
Mercury, hot Today at 900 degrees will remain hot Tomorrow at 500.
So this is my theory: I believe that life may jump from inner planet to inner planet as the surface temperature allows. That at one time (in the Beginning), life as we know it existed on Mars. And that one day in the future, when Earth becomes too cold to sustain our life form, life will disappear from Earth and reappear on Venus and later, even on Mercury is one can exist that close to a dying Sun. During the interval, all signs of life are removed from the previous planet
But sadly, in time the Sun’s fuel will all be gone and all life will disappear forever from the Solar system. But it won’t matter, because shortly after that, the Solar System itself will disappear as the Sun explodes in a cataclysmic Supernova. And thus it will all end.
Think about it.
Want to buy a vote or two? Want to buy a Senator, Congressman or President? They are all for sale in America.
January 8, 2007: It is estimated this coming year's presidential elections will cost nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS for the two sides! Taking care of the campaign contributors after the election is going to end up costing you and me and the other taxpayers a whole lot of money. Count on it.
You see, as long as we have a system wherein people can BUY votes with their campaign contributions, your government doesn’t really work for you, it works for the people with the biggest checkbooks. You don’t think rich people donate all those millions out of the goodness of their hearts, do you? If so, the joke is on you. Read on:
UPDATE: December 3, 2009: In the 2008 elections, Obama raised over 600 million dollars to McCain's 300 million. Obama told the public this money came from individual small donations but that was an out and out lie. Less than 15% came from small donors, the rest came from very rich individuals, very rich corporations and very rich foreign donors, some of whom were illegal. Most of the billionaires in this country actually supported Barack Obama and their support contributed mightily to his winning. He now supports legislation that will repay those supporters for their generosity. After all, what goes around -
That's why I am titling this article:
Your Government Is For Sale to the Highest Bidder
Because it is and it has been for a very long time. But we CAN stop it if we have the will.
Most rich and powerful people are betting we don't.
Money buys votes.
And the more money you have, the more votes you can buy. Folks, don't fool yourself, politics is all about the money needed to run for office. Money is what lets Johnny run and money is what undermines our government.
But we can stop it if we want to. How, you ask? Well, it's really rather simple: let's fund all our national elections with public money. Tightly regulated but fair election rules with binding regulations together with taxpayer funding can kick the money changers out of the temple. And we all will be better off for that.
You’ve heard it before: money talks and bullshit walks. Sorry to be so graphic but it's the easiest way to make the point: America’s politicians are bought and paid for every single day they are in office, starting with Day #01. If we don't wake up and stop it soon, it will be too late if it isn't already.
Let’s start at the very beginning: Right now [2008], a presidential election is coming up. This election is going to cost the candidates hundreds of millions of dollars each. So where will the candidates get all that money? That’s easy. They will get it from the people that support them? Okay, so let me ask you this:
Question: Why would an individual or an organization donate so much money to a political candidate so that HE can get himself elected to a very nice job?
Answer: Because they love their country and think this guy would be swell in the job?
No? You don’t like that answer? Okay, how about this one:
Answer: Because they expect a quid pro quo arrangement in return.
That’s much better. And what exactly is a quid pro quo arrangement?
Answer: That’s a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" arrangement.
Aha! You are saying these people donate their money to gain influence with the newly elected candidate. I think you are on the right track.
Question: But why? Why would they want that influence?
Answer: Oh that’s real easy: they hope to use their newfound influence to make money for themselves – more than they donated. After all, we all know there is no free lunch.
You pass the course! And it’s the same for all parties and with all elections. It’s just a matter of degree. Elections are expensive today and if you want to have a chance to win, you need the money to run an effective campaign. And what do you have to sell to raise the money you need? That's easy too. It’s not your house. It’s not your car. And it’s not your kids. It’s your vote!
You offer to vote the “right” way when it counts – you offer POLITICAL FAVORS in return for that money.
And that, boys and girls, is what’s wrong with our system of government. It's bought and paid for and because of that, once the election is over you will be forgotten and those who contributed will be remembered. The more they gave, the more they will be remembered.
At this point, let me enter a caveat: I am not here to blame the politicians. My guess is they HATE having to beg for money. It’s just that they have no choice.
They have no choice because that’s the way the system is set up – money talks. For that reason, I say it’s the system that has to be changed even more than the players.
FACT: Did you know that beginning the day after an election, half of every congressman's day is spent soliciting money for his or her NEXT election. You didn’t? Well, now you do.
Instead of doing the job for which you pay him (or her), your “congressman” is entertaining powerful individuals and special interest groups every day of the week in order to solicit money from them to pay off his last election bills and raise money for his next political campaign. Whether his next election is a month, a year or four years from now, your “congressperson” begins raising money for it the day after he takes office. That’s why this Article is titled: "Your Government Is For Sale To The Highest Bidder".
But before you round up your friends and head for Washington to do in your congressman - or worse yet, your President – please remember what I told you, it's not their fault – it’s the system that is at fault. If you get elected and you don’t want to retire young – and few do – you have to do what everyone else is doing: you have to set up your financial campaign network. You have to raise money.
And that’s our problem. The current system encourages political manipulation, corruption and dishonesty and no one gets to escape its clutches. If you want to run for national office, you need the money. If you want to raise that money, you need a product to sell. And the only thing you have to sell in politics – the only thing that’s worth anything - is your vote. You learn to live with that simple truth or you find another line of work.
Okay, now that we all see the problem, does anyone see the solution? Let’s take a look.
I am today announcing that in the upcoming elections, we should vote every incumbent out of office. We need to shake up the system. They all are on the take. I am also sick to death of having so many lawyers in our government. They are too slick, too self-serving, and too dishonest for me. I want more – a lot more - regular Americans in Congress. Therefore I am strongly suggesting you vote against your incumbent and send someone brand new to Washington.
Then maybe we can get them to chance the rules under which we now operate.
I know it won’t be easy. In fact, I know it will be exceptionally difficult. You see, tons of wealthy people – and special interest groups - like the system just the way it is and they will fight like hell to keep it this way.
Who are they? Who do you think they are. They are the people who control your government by donating big money to political campaigns. Americans and foreigners alike, internationalists, corporate CEO's with dollars for souls – big-time labor leaders – teachers unions - all of them.
Remember the Chinese money in the Clinton elections? Why do you think they were shoveling money to an American for an American election? I’ll tell you, they were buying influence. I call it buying America. Notice what China has gotten in return? It's sickening. The Chinese are now making billions out of trade with America. It turns out to have been a good investment for them but a bad one for us.
Obama is another one who got big money from foreign governments. And once again, they benefited while we lost.
Look, I am not going to belabor the point. I am sure by now you understand what is going on and how dangerous it is. So you must be asking “what can I do about it”? The answer is work for controlled national elections paid for by the taxpayer with no outside money whatsoever, neither hard nor soft.
Can we do it? Can we change the system? I don't know. Every special interest group in America will be against it. Both political parties will fight it. Broadcasters and telecasters and maybe some of the talk show hosts and the print media people will sound off against it. Why not, they are all part of the current dirty system. They will call us names, say we are stupid and protest that we are flirting with national economic suicide. Whatever it takes. They may even call us racists and say that somehow this is an attack on minorities. How? Who knows? But they won't care. They will do anything and say anything it takes to stop us from changing the current system. But we can prevail, we can do it.
How? By banning together to demand change, that’s how. There are tons of us, few of them. We can demand federal funding for all national elections. We can also demand restrictions on how much money is spent and who can speak for the candidate. Let’s say as a suggestion that in the final 2 weeks of a campaign, the only person that can run a political advertisement on behalf of a candidate is the candidate himself or herself. I am tired of hired help telling me what a candidate stands for, let the candidate tell me.
The people - you and I - have to come together and bring pressure on our congressmen to pass this legislation with appropriate controls. Our group will have no democrats, no republicans, no liberals, no conservatives – just Americans trying to take back their government from the greedy, vicious, money-grabbing thieves that now control it. (That would be the groups offering the bribes, not the politicians taking them.)
Once your congressmen and even your president is no longer dependent on these people for campaign money, everything will change and for the better. Useless 'payback' fat-cat legislation will be eliminated forever. So will self-sustaining subsidies and pork barrel 'earmark' legislation. Congress can stop begging for money and go back to working full time for the people who elected them, instead of the people who bought them.
And the cost of government will go down, not up. Once they are sure it will get done, the politicians will welcome the change with open arms. No one likes to beg for money least of all the people that work their way to Washington. After all, they do have their pride.
But the sad truth is that most of the people in Washington believe the American people are too dysfunctional, too apathetic, too wildly diversified politically, too DUMB to ever come together for any one single purpose including this one. They count on that. In fact, they depend on it.
And they're probably right. Special interest groups will stay in the fight as long as it takes to win while “We the People”, with so many other things to do, often tire and quit under pressure. That’s why nothing ever changes. That’s what they depend on.
But it doesn't have to be that way. All of you start calling or mailing your congressmen and women to vote for taxpayer funding of national elections with appropriate controls. Then, if they hesitate, tell them you'll vote them out of office. If they believe you they will listen.
But will they believe you? Probably not, not yet anyway. So we need to wake them up. And the way to do that is to vote every incumbent out of office in the upcoming fall elections. That will most definitely get their attention.
We don’t need a bunch of lawyers or Ivy School left-leaning, reluctant-Americans in our halls of Congress. We’ve had that for years. Let’s try it this time with the local folks. I think we’ll be better off.
Welcome to Joey’s Newspage, where people come to exercise their minds
By Joseph J Kusnell for
Whenever I say to someone, "I am dying", the usual response is, "aren’t we all?" And of course that’s true. The moment we are born is the moment we begin to die. But in my case, it is far more imminent than most of those to whom I am speaking.
I have a fatal lung disease known as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a disease that leads to deterioration of the lungs. The lungs simply become less and less able to function and in time you suffocate. It’s not a pretty thought.
IPF, as it is called, has a greater mortality at five years than do most cancers. Mayo Clinic says the mortality rate at five years is 80 %. The medium life expectancy is just 28 months. For those who are diagnosed with IPF, it is a death sentence. Where most people are unsure as to when they will die, patients with IPF can be quite sure – very soon. So I face death in the near future. How do I deal with that?
Well, to begin with, although I am not certain how I will face the business of dying, death itself holds no specter for me. You see I understand death. I was dead for the first five billion years of this planet’s existence. I was dead when the mythical Homer wrote the Iliad twenty-eight hundred years ago, when the Romans ruled the world two thousand years ago, when the English settlers came to Jamestown four hundred years ago. I was dead when George Washington lead the colonial forces against England, when America fought the War of 1812, when we fought the civil war, when Woodrow Wilson was President, when my mother and father were born. In truth, I have been dead for 99.999% of all the time man has walked on this planet and even before that. It has been correctly written: "life to eternity is as a raindrop to a tropical storm". We are ‘dead’ far, far longer than we are alive.
When I have time to reflect on all this, I think about all the people that I have known who are no longer with us. My sister, who was killed with two others in a terrible automobile accident when she was just 21 years old, my mother and dad, my cousins and friends. Lots of them have gone as I will go shortly. Death is nothing special and it’s not even hard to do. Sooner or later everyone gets to do it. In the history of this world, over twenty billion people have lived and died. Each of them existed for a time and then ceased to exist for eternity. It’s the way the system works, nothing mystical about it. As an ant ceases to exist the moment you step on it, so do we all cease to exist the moment we die. It is therefore important to understand that dying is not important, what is important is how you die and the emotional well being of those you leave behind. Those are the things that matter.
To worry about death or what happens after death is to waste your time and energy. It is at the very least, pointless. For one thing, every living creature must die. There is no other option of which I am aware. As for what happens after we are dead, well basically nothing happens after we are dead exactly as nothing happened for all those years before we were born. I can attest to this from personal experience. Not long ago I suffered a massive heart attack and 'died'. I was resuscitated and brought back and the first question I was asked was: "what did you see". Sadly I had to report, "nothing. I was here, then I was not here, than I was here again." The assembled nurses were disappointed. They were hoping for a bright light and a long tunnel, at the least.
But what about life after death, you ask? I reply there is no life after death, we made that up so we wouldn’t have to confront dying. There is no heaven (sad) or hell (glad), no angels (sad) or devils (glad). Life is the name we give to existence and death is the name we give to non-existence. It is no more complicated than that.
But though there is no life following death, there may be something else, something truly incredible, almost beyond our understanding. Let me explain.
All things are created from energy. The Earth, the sky, birds and clouds, raindrops and rivers, yes even us, are simply physical manifestations of energy. The Cosmos (home of the universes) is eternal – it exists without beginning or end. The Cosmos is in a constant state of building and tearing down and rebuilding and since energy is required for creation and since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it is obvious that energy for re-building must come from somewhere. I believe it comes from the recycling of old energy. I believe that includes the recycling of the energy that was once you and I along with the Earth that once was our home. It is all recycled.
The process is simple. We die and we are buried and slowly the ground reclaims us. In time, our planet will also die. It will roam the universe cold and dark slamming into first one celestial body and then another until, after a great time, it is reduced to rubble. That rubble is then drawn into a black hole (natures trash compactors) which compresses the matter and converts it essentially to radiation energy. That energy then escapes through the event horizon back into the Cosmos. (Ashes to ashes and dust to dust?)
So the energy that is you and me, and the clouds and the rain, and the birds and the bees and all things animate and inanimate that live on our Earth sooner or later will be returned to the cosmos for recycling. Not once but many times over throughout all eternity until all things are, or have been, a part of all things. It takes eons of course but eons are what the cosmos has plenty of. This recycling gives each of us eternal life - after a fashion.
So it must be and so it will be.
I apologize to those who believe in an after-life and will, like you, hope that I am wrong and you are right. It would be a beautiful thing - although it seems to be me to present even more questions than it answers. At the moment I deal with two more crises. My son-in-law who is just 47 has Phase 4(b) head and neck cancer and is terminal. My son who is 43 has PNH, a fatal blood disease. In all my long life, I have never known so many young people to be so sick. Something is wrong here.
Good luck to Brenda and all that suffer.
Where people come to exercise their minds:
Recently I have had occasion to meet what I call "crossover-talkers", people who 'cross over' to the other side and talk to the dead. Now there are, in my opinion, two types of 'crossover-talkers'. The first are honest people who are simply the product of their own delusions or mental illnesses and the other are scam artists or charlatans who prey on the weak and gullible at the time of their bereavement.
The scam artist claims to be able to 'cross over' and talk to the dead inferring that dead people continue to have their faculties after they die which is a nice way of saying that they're not really dead at all, just displaced. This of course also infers that there are some twenty billion of these displaced dead people wandering around the firmament waiting for the 'cross talker' to contact them, usually for a fee.
Since the 'crossover-talker' is the only one claiming to hear these voices from the other side (which is absolute nonsense), we can conclude that most of them are crooks out for an easy buck. (It is either that or he or she is simply demented.)
The loss of a loved one is extremely traumatic for everyone and anyone who would take advantage of such a situation is indeed a low life. Obviously death is hard to accept but that's just the way it is. And no, you aren't coming back and you aren't sending messages, not through Western Union and certainly not through these 'crossover-crackpots'.
Save your money and give it to charity. 'Cross talkers' are a scam.
How To Build A Business by Barack Obama
The rules have changed.
The rules for creating a successful business have changed under Barack Obama.
Now it’s been made much simpler. We take GM as an example:
1. Stiff your shareholders. That should save you billions of dollars.
2. Stiff your bondholders. That’s more billions saved.
3. Stiff the taxpayer. That’s a bunch more billions.
4. Close down your big plants.
5. Close down many of your honest, investing dealerships.
6. Get rid of non-union employees that didn’t vote for you.
7. Reduce salaries and bonuses of CEO’s and other non-union personnel
blaming poor performance all the while excusing the cause of the poor performance which was the employee union.
8. Introduce a new line of teeny-weeny cars that won’t sell but can be made
cheaply enough to hopefully keep the unions in business without asking them
to do anything that might get them mad enough to not vote for you.
9. Show a small profit which should be easy since you just stiffed everyone you
borrowed money from.
10. Accept the bows of the faithful with humility but be certain to continue to control the adoring press so they won’t mention (too often) the deaths of the people driving on America’s high speed, long-distance roadways in these adapted golf carts that get GREAT mileage at the expense of weight and safety.
I look for the new USA/GM to sell off those nasty big, beautiful cars getting 30-35 MPG thanks to the long time investment of IRA and 401K retirees who are now broke because of their government’s intercession in a business they know nothing about.
I feel certain countries in South America and the Middle East will buy the Hummer line and their people will love driving it since they plenty of money and gas thanks to their own drilling. We of course do not drill because we are saving the environment from global cooling – or is it global warming – or is it climate change – or could it be from the new Marxist we just put into office here in the good old USA.
Capitalism made these guys what they are today so now they are using their status to destroy it. How nice.
But Americans don’t care, they LOVE Obama. Would they run their homes this way? Not on your life but they love Obama anyway. Do they see any way we can ever pay this huge debt off? No, but so what? It’s not real money is it? And even if it is, the guy has a nice way about him.
And trust me, this new greatly reduced, government and union-owned people’s republic car company if it does turn a small profit, will be hailed as a great accomplishment by the Messiah. And never mind the suckers that were cheated out of their life savings or the taxpayers who were ROBBED of billions because union workers were overpaid and under-disciplined and turned out horribly assembled cars which their American compatriots refused to buy. Actually which THEY even refused to buy (check their parking lots). None of that will matter. The “company” (insert ‘union’ here) will have been “saved”.
By Whom – For What?
Take a look at it like this. You go into a mall and rent two run-down stores. You borrow money from the bank to renovate, over $200,000.00 worth. You borrow more money to set up your equipment. Another hundred grand. You borrow money to buy your inventory, hire an advertising company, and hire employees.
Then you open your doors but before you do you announce you have no intention of every paying back any of the money you borrowed to put yourself into business. And on the first day, your receipts total $14,500.00 and your operating expenses total just $9,750.00 so you proudly announce to the world that you have “made a profit” of $4,750.00. They invite you to address the Chamber of Commerce on “How To Start A Successful Business”.
Don’t laugh, that’s what is happening with GM. They may issue worthless shares of stock to people whose money they stole but so what, they just reneged on billions of debt and equity investments so what makes the new shares worth anything.
Was there another way to do this, to try to save the real GM? I think so. First, they should have filed bankruptcy and let the court restructure the debt as well as the labor contracts and retiree benefit program. Then with that out of the way, they could have scaled back their production lines a little without getting in this political environmental nonsense which is a scam.
Finally they could have instituted quality control checks which would assign controls to every production level and identify those workers who do the assembly at each level. With that type accountability in place, and a willingness to discipline those who fail to meet work standards, they could have turned the company around, saved all those jobs, saved the dealerships and maybe given shareholders a chance to see their company bounce back new and lean and strong.
But they didn’t do that because the UNIONS backed Obama and HE OWED THEM. So he couldn’t come down hard on them. He could and did come down on the CEO’s that earned big contractual bonuses despite poor performances while at the same time allowing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – two governmental agencies that also lost BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars – to pay THEIR CEO’s the same type big bonuses.
The difference? Once again Fannie and Freddie along with their CEO’s were supporters of the Obama ticket and contributed mightily to it. Their CEO’s in fact were part of the Obama campaign.
Obama came out of the Southside of Chicago school of crooked politics and he learned his lessons well. Smile when you get in front of the camera and never let ‘em see you sweat’. When the red light goes out, do whatever the hell you want. And always remember Mr. President, there is a sucker born every minute.
Just last week the President after spending TRILLIONS of dollars said ‘we are out of money’. Really? Let’s see, when we started there were 6% unemployed. Now three trillions dollars later, there are 9.5% unemployed and we are being told this can’t turn around for a year or more. How about that? Do a lousy job and tell folks you expect to do a lousy job and everyone nods and says ‘poor Barack, it’s that damn George Bush’s fault”.
The economy collapsed because the Democratic party insisted that Fannie Mae give trillions of dollars worth of mortgages to people that could not hope to pay them back. When they didn’t pay them back, all hell broke out and the reason is Fannie bought those shaky mortgages, repackaged them and sold them to unwary investors around the world without mentioned that the mortgages should never have been given out in the first place. Who was responsible for that? The Democratic Party of Chris Dodd, Chuck Schummer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank aided and abetted by the likes of Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines.
They weren’t very bright and to show that they still haven’t learned anything, they just introduced this free money to first time homebuyers program.
Now I don’t object to this one-time credit of $8,000.00 to help people at the lower end of the economic ladder to buy a home. But if they can’t KEEP this home, we are doing once again what Fannie did that lead to this current mess.
You know what they say about doing the same thing in the same way and expecting the results to be different? Well we better watch out because we spent trillions to try to solve this mess already, we don’t have trillion more to spend doing it again. And if they give these homes to people that can’t keep them, we are heading down the same dumb path again.
Here’s what they should do. Any applicant for a first time home buyer’s credit should have to meet every other qualification set for the rest of us who want to buy a home!
They have to be employed, they have to have a work history, they have to make enough money to keep this home, they have to have a decent credit history. They need it all. All the checks and balances that are present for ANY mortgage have to apply for THESE mortgages as well. The only difference should be that the taxpayer is kicking in $8,000.00 to help. That’s the way to do it and not make the same mistake we made before.
Giving people homes they can’t afford and can’t keep is a one way ticket to financial ruin for everyone including the folks trying to get that home.
Recently the Chinese has to lecture us on how to act financially responsible. How about that? China. But they were right. You have to act responsibly.
You’d think we would have learned that by now.
There is this thing about great leaders: they lead. They step up in front of their followers, lift their swords high in the air, and shout: FOLLOW ME!
The history of this world has been filled with leaders without whom, certain great accomplishments would not have been realized. From time immemorial, men such as Hannibal and Alexander, Napoleon and Washington, Richard (The Lion Heart) and Joshua lead their men into battle. Often the tide of battle was turned by the strength of their personalities alone.
That's what great leaders are - public figures. They clamor for attention and publicity. They are ego-driven. They are men of courage certainly but they are also men who crave the spotlight. They are leaders because they were born to be leaders.
Once upon a time a young man - deeply religious - deeply committed to what he believed in - and very rich to the tune of half of a billion dollars or thereabouts - strode upon the public scene. Taking up the sword of leadership against those who, in his mind, defiled all that he believed in, this warrior rallied supporters to his cause. That man was Osama bin Laden.
Make no mistake about it, Osama bin Laden was a giant among men. He was genuine, dedicated and inspired. Yes, he was on the opposite side of the political spectrum from us, but leaders exist on both sides of every political dispute. This one is no exception.
In the eyes of bin Laden, the West was a great evil that had come into his world and defiled everything he believed in. It had moved troops into HIS country to support a Royal Family that he believed was oppressive. It had invaded the sacred ground of Mecca. It had brought into his homeland, ideas and concepts that were foreign to his land.
And why? Why had the invaders come? That’s easy. They had come for oil. Were it not for oil, there would have been no Western intrusion into his land. They came for the oil and in the process, they rode carelessly over his country and his countrymen. The West was the Great Devil, and whether we agree with that characterization or not, that belief became the core of his existence. And it persuaded others to join him in his fight against us.
So Osama bin Laden took up the sword and rallied his people to his cause which was to drive the Western Infidels out of Mecca and out of his country. He embarked on a holy mission to do the work of Allah.
Osama bin Laden was not a man with personal ambitions. He had no power-lust. He was not vain. What he was, was honest and dedicated and because of that, others rallied to his side. He was seen as a servant of Allah and a champion of a people impoverished in a land of riches.
To his enemies, bin Laden became known as a terrorist because he killed innocent civilians in his attacks on the West. And that was true. He did that. But it was hardly rare. Everyone engaged in combat kills innocent civilians and for the same reason - to terrorize their enemies and rob them of their will to resist. We did it when we bombed Germany and Japan and killed lots of innocent men, women, and children. Germany did it when they bombed England and Eastern Europe and Japan did it when they bombed Pearl Harbor.
War is an ugly business for sure but all bin Laden did, in his own way and with the only weapons available to him, was to do what we had all done in war before him: attack.
So why am I writing all this? Am I trying to justify bin Laden's actions and activities? No, of course not. What I am trying to do is demonstrate to you what a leader is and what a leader is not and that, for a very specific reason. I am making my argument that Osama bin Laden is dead.
Do you remember the movie, "PATTON"? Do you remember how General Patton swaggered in front of his troops? Rode around in an open jeep in a combat zone where his men could see him? There was a reason for that, a reason as old as warfare: General Patton knew his self-assurance, his confidence, his courage under fire would inspire those that followed him. And when so inspired, that they would persevere. And he was right.
The key to leadership is: VISIBILITY. You step out in front of your troops when the going gets rough, you raise your sword high above your head, and you shout at the top of your voice: "FOLLOW ME, MEN!"
And they do. You see leaders lead from the front, not from the rear.
And that's why I believe that Osama bin Laden is dead. Because Osama bin Laden was a man who was a real leader, a truly charismatic highly visible leader of men - but who suddenly disappeared.
We had heard that Obama was very sick, it had even been reported that he had a serious liver disease and was on dialysis. That notwithstanding, this was a man who once was seen all the time, who frequently gave interviews to spread his message, who put messages on videos so his followers could see him and hear him and follow him - and who suddenly completely disappeared from public view.
In the past six years, al Queda's great leader has completely disappeared. Oh sure, we have heard tapes supposedly from him and sometimes a video surfaced of someone claiming to be him (remember the Sadaam doubles?). But on one video he appeared taller and on another shorter, one time he was heavily bearded and on another not so much, one time he appeared gray and haggard and another young and vital - and none of them looked real.
I believe Osama bin Laden is dead and all this is just an attempt on the part of al Queda to keep his spirit of resistance alive.
Over the past six years, many others have heard claims that bin Laden is dead. His own followers must have heard these claims. So I ask you, if you were such a leader, if you were dedicated and charismatic and devoted to a cause, and if you were alive and functional, what would you do for those who rallied around your cause but who are suddenly beset by doubts? What would you do for your people to re-energize them, to inspire them, to urge them to continue the fight?
I know what I would do - I would either invite some independent world leaders to my cave to show them I was still on the job or if I didn't want that, I would produced another of the famous al Queda video tapes. On this one, I would show me HOLDING UP TODAY'S NEWSPAPER OR A CURRENT ISSUE OF A WORLD-WIDE MAGAZINE! Smiling I would point to the date on the newspaper and say: "YOU SEE, THIS IS ME AND THIS IS TODAY'S NEWSPAPER SO YOU CAN SEE THAT I AM VERY MUCH ALIVE!!!
Have you seen that tape? Did I miss it? Was it ever made?
That's what I would do. And that's what any leader would do. SHOW YOURSELF! The quickest and best way to prove to my supporters that the fight must go on is to show them that I am still here, still fighting, still leading them! This simple tape would make that point eloquently. And it would be easy to do, easy to produce, and certainly would command world-wide attention. But it hasn't been done and why? To me the reason is simple: the reason it hasn't been done is that it can't be done and the reason it can't be done is because THE MAN IS DEAD. FINISHED! KAPUT!
But if this is true, you ask, why doesn't our government say so? Well, there are a few possible reasons for that. For one thing, I can say whatever I want and there are no repercussions. But that's not true of our government or of any government. They can't afford to be wrong so until there is proof of his death, they must remain silent. For another, if they really do think bin Laden is gone, that doesn't necessarily mean his organization is gone too. That doesn't mean the battle is won. That doesn't mean the danger has past.
The followers of bin Laden are still there, diminished perhaps, but still functioning. They still want to wage war against the Infidels. They aren't yet ready to quit. So what would happen if, say the President of the United States, were to come out and say "we have reason to believe that bin Laden is dead"?
Wouldn't everyone, democrats for sure, start clamoring to come home? Walk away from Iraq? Turns our backs on what we have fought for the last five years? I can hear them now. "Osama is dead! Great, "BRING THE BOYS HOME."
Hell, they have been doing that for over three years with him alive. What would they do if they thought he was dead?
So, there may be reasons why no such announcement has been forthcoming. But I like the first one best, until they have proof positive, no matter how much they may believe he is dead, they don't dare say it. Without proof, it is only a guess and it would be a disaster if the day after the announced his death, he showed up in a video, holding today's newspaper in his hand, mocking the West.
But not to worry, it isn't going to happen because Osama bin Laden is long dead.
And that is the point of this article. The head of the snake has been cut off. All that is left is to kill the body, which is exactly what we have been doing in Iraq. And doing very well.
Nice going George.
Joey: Where people come to exercise their minds:
Do you wonder what we are doing in that part of the world and why they resist us so much. It's not Iraq or Global trade, it's more basic than that: they have an ages old religious culture which they see as being attacked by Western Culture which approaches Hedonism. So they resist change. Here is an article making that point and doing so very well.
On the tribal region of northwest Pakistan.
"Economic development might well "tame" these tribesmen, yet poverty is less the cause of their warlike ways than the result of a deliberate decision to preserve their traditional way of life—their Pushtun honor—even at material cost. The Islamist revolution is a conscious choice—an act of cultural self-defense against the intrusions and seductions of an alien world. Although the social foundations of the traditional Muslim way of life have been shaken, they are far from broken. So long as these social foundations cohere, advancing globalization will provoke more rebellion, not less—whatever America decides to do in Iraq and beyond. The root of the problem is neither domestic poverty nor American foreign policy, but the tension between Muslim social life and globalizing modernity itself."
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