Eight years ago, I wrote an article entitled: “Do Women Really Have The Right To Choose?” (Still found elsewhere on this blog.)
The answer was: “Not if we (Caucasians) want to survive they don’t.”
The article went on to point out that the White race was in danger of becoming obsolete around the world. White women were simply not producing enough babies to replace themselves.
Well, today, eight years later (2009), the handwriting is on the wall for everyone to see and there's no denying it. That is exactly what is going on. Despite this, we have been conditioned to avoid the topic as being ‘racist’. And why is it ‘racist’ to tell the truth? I don’t know. I think it’s because others didn’t want us to talk about what we were doing to ourselves, and we, on our part, were content to play the fool.
Well I wasn’t a fool eight years ago and I am not a fool today. Maybe what’s going on won’t mean a thing to you and if so, that's fine. On the other hand, maybe it will. Regardless, it is a valid topic for discussion and I plan to have that discussion here and now.
I will start with a summary of a recent US Census Bureau report.
A report from the U.S. Census Bureau in 2008 projects that by 2042, non-Hispanic whites (Caucasians) will no longer be the majority in the United States. Caucasians will make up 47% of the population at that time, down from 67% in 2005 and from 85% of the population in 1960. That's reduction of 45% in 80 years. If that doesn't tell you something, nothing will.
The report foresees the Hispanic population rising from 15% today to 30% by 2042, African Americans from 11.2% of the population today to 14% in 2042 and Asian Americans from 5% now to 9% in 2042.
Here is the summary of the past and future changes to the United States population:
Caucasians: MINUS 30%
Hispanics: PLUS 100%
Asian: PLUS 80%
African Americans: PLUS 25%
If you have children, you might want to think about this for a moment because it certainly will affect them in a very profound way. But first let me return to the question of whether racial demographics are a legitimate topic for conversation.
You will all remember how at the OJ Simpson trial, OJ’s acquittal of two murders was greeted with a spontaneous celebration on the part of Black Americans. Not just some, not just a few, but the majority celebrated. Why? They knew he was a murderer. But it didn’t matter because OJ beat the WHITE system. It was purely a racial outpouring. Did anyone complain that this was racism? And if so, did the African Americans care? The answer is they did not. Certainly it was a racial response but if you didn’t like it, you could go to hell. The celebrations went on anyway. Big time.
During the George W. Bush presidency, unknown to many Americans, Africans repeatedly voted George W. Bush the most popular American in Africa. Yes, that’s true. Bush was very good to Africa and the Africans appreciated it.
Back in Washington, George also should have made headlines but did not. Why did he deserve headlines? Because for the first time ever, two Blacks were appointed to high positions in a Presidental Cabinet: (1) Colin Power and (2) Condoleezza Rice. Both were appointed this country's FIRST Black Secretaries Of State. HIgh honor indeed. Was Bush praised for his by the national media as he would have if his name was Bill Clinton? No, he was all but ignored.
(Note: There were no demonstrations against these appointments by White Republicans as liberals would have you believe. It was greeted with acceptance everywhere by just about all Republicans.)
Then out of the great heartland of America came a new politican. No one really knew much about him and few even knew who he was. But in the blink of an eye, this guy became the darling of the Black community. Why? They didn't know him. They didn't know what he stood for. They didn't know anything about him except one thing: they knew he was Black. And that was enough for them. So the Blacks adopted the newcomer no questions asked. They did so because he was 'one of them'.
Now they didn't know the new guy like they knew George Bush. And this new politician had done nothing for Blacks or for Africa like what Bush had done. And he certainly hadn't done anything to advance the cause of Blacks in government the way Bush did.
But did any of that matter? No, it didn't. Why? Because Bush was White and Obama was Black. End of story. The Black vote went for Obama in the 2008 election by 90%. No matter what Bush had done for them, the color of Barack Obama’s skin was more important to the African American community that any other single factor about him. and so they voted for him.
They were captured by his color and by racial pride and nothing more than that.
Was that racism? Well if Racism is making decisions on the basis of skin color, then yes it was. It the decision has to be prejudicial and harmful, then no it wasn't. Take your choice.
A prominent Black official offered this clarification: minorities can’t be racists, only majorities can. Okay, I guess that's one way to look at it but I am not sure what gave him to right to define racism.
The same pattern holds good with the Hispanics in America. Whether they are here legally or illegally, no matter what they do or don't do, no matter how many rallies they hold or how many banners they carry - it really doesn't matter. These outbreaks of racial pride or unity are never called racism. Even if everything Whites do is racism nothing Blacks or Hispanics do is ever called racism. Someone is making up the rules as we go along here.
(Again I strongly recommend you read, “Do Women Really Have The Right To Choose”, elsewhere on this blog site.)
A moment ago, I showed you the predictions of the US Census Bureau to the effect that Caucasian Americans will no longer be the majority of our population by 2042 – just about 30 years from now. Well within the life span of your kids if you have kids. Down from over 80% in just 80 years. Down from the vast majority to a decided minority in just 80 years. And with it, the cultural ties and equities that we brought to this new country will be history. Coming here are new people from other countries with new ideas that are different, that conflict dramatically, with those of our founding fathers. It will be a new country for your kids and your grandkids. I hope they are prepared for what’s coming.
And if that’s not enough to consider, think about this: who are your children going to marry? Are they going to have kids? How will those kids (your grandkids) get along in the New World and in the new cultures and with the new American? It will all be different when your kids are the minority in their parent’s country. Yet, that is where we are headed.
When some folks read my original article on this subject, they replied that their kids would just have to merge into the New World and find their partners among the new Americans. And that sounded okay. In fact, other than the fact that Caucasians are going to be nearly extinct, I guess it would be okay. But we all had better understand the slide of the Caucasian is not going to end until they are basically all gone. That means that if your kids happen to fall in love with other Caucasians and they have Caucasian kids, those kids – your grandkids – are going to be living in a very tough world where they will be the strangers. With different people and different cultures come different ideas. And with those ideas, come drastic changes.
Take a moment to look around the world. Ignore Australia and Canada and Western Europe because they too will be all but gone by 2042. In fact, most of Europe will be significantly Muslim by then.
But look at the rest of the world and answer one question: which other country would you want to live in if you couldn’t like in our United States of America with our heritage and our culture and our freedom? Which one do you think offers you a chance to have what you have had here? And if you are a female reading this, which country offers females the kind of freedom offered by our United States.
Because by 2042, much of that freedom may be gone. Many of the immigrants to America (and certainly those to Europe) are bringing here what they left behind. I don’t understand why they would want to do that, why leave home if you want to bring home here?, but they usually do. And if they are successful, things long treasured in America may be disposed of. And that includes most of our heroes, most of our holidays, and many of our cherished personal freedoms.
With different people often come different ideas. If the demographic is going to change so is the culture. If you are one of the ascendancy, that should be no problem If you – or your kids or grandkids – are part of the dependency, it very well may be.
In some places that could cause a very big problem for those that follow us.
Is it possible that everyone will just merge in together and your kids and your grandkids will find love and security and happiness in the new culture with new partners? Is it possible that the world will neither miss nor mourn the passing of the Caucasian White Race? Maybe.
But I doubt it. Most of the personal freedoms that we have in America are very limited elsewhere on this planet except for those places that are dying with us. And that will make a profound impression on those we leave behind. But we didn’t produce the babies we need to replace ourselves and others did so the Earth will belong to them and no longer to us.
And that’s what I warned about in my former article: (Do Women Really Have The Right To Chose?")
Now it is too late.
A Discussion Of Race In America