This is the greatest Administration I have ever seen for saying something and then when you quote them, saying they are being taken out of context.
“Context” apparently means their extended explanation for their nutty ideas.
Let’s start with Nut #1: The guy who said that he “would hope congress would surrender some of its powers to Obama ‘czars’ who don’t have to respond to “public opinion”. The guy who uttered this anti-American obscenity is Ezekiel Emanuel, brother to Rohm Emanuel, Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama.
Now here we have a superior human being (in his own mind), a true Brown Shirt Nazi in the making. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. He also is quoted as saying he approves of forced sterilization in some cases and depending on certin conditions. Wonder who gets to choose? Him???
In America, still a representative democracy last time I looked, this guy wants power concentrated in the hands of people who are not “responsive to public opinion”. Know what that means? That means people who can “do damn well what we please and the hell with public opinion”.
He’s not talking about the voters, is he? Is he? Well, yes he is. Last time I heard, public opinion is the voice of the voters. So Dr. Emanuel in effect is saying public opinion is a bother, in fact voters are a bother, in fact – Congress is a bother! Who needs any of them!!!
Of course, this Democrat Jackass has no power at all except what he gets from his “bro” who is the White House Chief of Staff for President Obama. This one is just the President’s personal advisor on things like health care. Here’s what this never-elected-to-anything Fascist-in-making had to say about Health Care
News item:
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Most Americans have probably never heard the name Ezekiel Emanuel, but he could have the power to shape the health care landscape for the disabled. Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, is an Obama advisor and a chief architect of the congressional health care plan.
Bradley Mattes, the director of Life Issues Institute, says Emanuel was quoted in 1996 saying medical benefits of a government-controlled healthcare plan would not be given to “individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens.”
Emanuel clarified his stance by adding, “An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.”
As Mattes says, "If you don't think the healthcare plan of Barack Obama and the leaders in Congress will result in widespread rationing of medical services," then he urges Americans to pay attention to Emanuel. Here’s more from this Nazi in the making:
This is defending discrimination against senior citizens in an article that appeared in the January 31, 2009 issue of the medical journal Lancet.
“Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious [offensive] discrimination," Emanuel wrote. How about that, seniors? Age discrimination is NOT offensive to Ezekiel.
Chuck Colson, a pro-life syndicated columnist, had this to say: "I'm sorry, but this is the same logic the Nazis used to exterminate the physically and mentally handicapped." He worries Emanuel's vision of health care allows "every decision about the allocation of health care-and indeed about any area of life" to become "an occasion for the young and strong to impose their will on the old and weak."
Betsy McCaughey, a former Lt. Governor of New York State and a prominent patient advocate, has also sounded the alarm on Emanuel.
"Emanuel bluntly admits that the cuts [rationing in health care] will not be pain-free," she said.
She points out that Emanuel wrote that health care cost savings will require changing how doctors think about their patients.
Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effect on others," Emanuel complained in the June 2008 edition of JAMA.
Damn Doctors!
But here you go, the man advising your President on health care REFORM has a different idea. He wants those Doctors to look BEYOND their patients needs and to consider such things as social justice, whether the money could be better spent on somebody else".
Maybe somebody important like him? Or perhaps his well-connected brother? Or maybe even Obama’s wife or kids one day?
Oh no, they don’t want a single payer federalized national heath care system for you and me (not for them or theirs). Of course not, where did you get that idea? What? You say both he and Obama said they did? Well, you can’t believe everything you hear, you know. Lots of that stuff is taken “out of context” even if it is verbatim.
This is a fascist regime if ever I have seen one. They really don’t care what the voters think, at least not the voters on the right or in the middle. They are out to make this a government-controlled country like Cuba or Venezuela or even North Korea.
In a decade, we will owe over 9 TRILLION dollars to other countries. Know how much money that is. That is enough money that, if laid down in dollar bills one end-to-end to another, it would stretch almost half way to the nearest star, Alpha Centuri. What a national disgrace, $30,000.00 of debt for every man, woman and child in America.
Back in the thirties, Franklin Roosevelt got elected to four consecutive terms as President using one dodge: he kept blaming Herbert Hoover for every failing of his administrations. While the rest of the world was on the way to economic recovery by the mid-thirties, thanks to his economic recover play, America needed 1942 and a world war to lower its unemployment rate to under 15%. None of Roosevelt’s programs did much of anything to end the depression.
Now Obama is dragging us to ruin and blaming George Bush. The unemployment is Bush’s unemployment. (Bush’s never had unemployment over 5.6% in his eight years in office.)
His 1.7 trillion dollar deficit is understandable since he was left with a “1.3 trillion dollar debt by the outgoing President – George W Bush”. Lots of people believe that.
But of course that’s more Brown Shirt revisionist history. Going into the fourth quarter of his last year in office, Bush’s deficit was going to be about 450 billion dollars. High but nothing like the stuff we are seeing today. But the economic crisis that was brought about by the Democratic Party and Maxine Waters (who took the position that anybody who tried to reign in Fannie Mae was a RACIST), Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson (Democratics who were Fannie Mae CEO's) not to mention ACORN, was about to destroy the world’s economies, so something had to be done and no one knew what that was. And since the Democratic Party controlled our congress, nothing was getting done unless they – The Democrats - approved it so Bush had no chnoice but to go along with what the Democrats wanted.
THEY were in charge.
At that time, our recently elected President - Barack Obama - was also very involved in the “TARP resolution” since it was going to be his problem in three months anyway. So the TARP, which added almost 800 billion to the national debt for which Obama keeps blaming Bush, was actually money that was going to be spent BY OBAMA – not by Bush. And it was passed by a Democrat controlled Senate and House because without them, it couldn’t have passed. It was actually THEIR bill using BUSH as a cover in case it failed.
They may be Fascists but all Fascists aren’t stupid.
One thing for certain, if it was actually George Bush’s bill, you get bet your plantation that no Democrat would have voted for it. After all, they just won an election bashing George Bush for everything from the war to the economic crisis to climate change. Helping him do anything to help America and look good just three months before their own guy took office, would have been anathema to them.
The TARP was a democrat bill and the 800 Billion Dollar expenditure was right up their alley and if there was Obama victory, there would have been no TARP and there would be no 1.6 or 1.7 TRILLION dollar deficit this year.
In passing let me enter one caveat: I do think a failing economy can be stimulated with government spending. An economy needs money passing around and it doesn’t care whose money it is. It just can’t be BORROWED money and it has to go to produce JOBS.
These guys used borrowed money big time and lots of it was earmarked for EARMARKS which had nothing to do with jobs and everything to do with social services and pet perks.
That’s why it did nothing for us or for our economy or for jobs. It was wasted money spent by ideologues with more interest in advancing a private socialist agenda than helping America or Americans or private Capitalism.
They are not saviors at all – they are revolutionaries.
Americans beware – freedom is hard won but easily lost.
We need a new Paul Revere galloping across the countryside shouting:
The Brown Shirts are Coming, the Brown Shirts are Coming!
Fascism – National Socialism – Marxism – all wrapped in one smiling face. The face of their Manchurian Candidate.
My God, who ARE these people???